[罪大滔天] Sony Xperia集中討論區(25)
小泉花陽(棄驚) 2019-1-29 14:21:03 以前要慳皮硬係搵兩邊用膠



小泉花陽(棄驚) 2019-1-29 14:25:12 張spec圖有野錯都仲可信?
拉登仔請收皮 2019-1-29 14:34:59 太遲啦 買三星都唔買佢 Xz3只係單鏡 但乜功能都無既Note9
C.馬撚 2019-1-29 14:52:51 Sony hk 根本唔會整update
所有update/os/patch 都係中央一條team寫
Sony regional office只係負責俾當地 carriers 做test
雪舒人 2019-1-29 15:49:35 xzp 有更新?
阿寶唔得閒 2019-1-29 15:57:26 剛收到, 個file成1.5 GB
阿寶唔得閒 2019-1-29 16:02:22 應該係security patch only
食完又肚餓 2019-1-29 16:20:05 我xz1c收到47.2.A.4.45
阿寶唔得閒 2019-1-29 16:23:10 Sony Mobile has unusually released a very minor update for the Xperia XZ1 and XZ1 Compact handsets in some regions, moving the build number from 47.2.A.4.41 to version 47.2.A.4.45. The firmware remains with 1 December 2018 Android security patches, so it is likely that Sony added some other small bug fixes for the update. Strangely, the same update is not available for the Xperia XZ Premium, which normally follows the same build tree.

所羅門之(gakki) 2019-1-29 16:33:50 1.5gb用個腦都知唔係security patch喇
所羅門之(gakki) 2019-1-29 16:36:20 香港班carriers


阿寶唔得閒 2019-1-29 16:36:32 我係up去47.2.A.2.33 wor

 Sony Mobile has just released the Android November security patch for the Xperia XZ1 and Xperia XZ1 Compact which moves the two phones to version 47.2.A.2.33. As was the case with the Xperia XZ Premium, don’t expect any noticeable changes to the OS or tweaks to Android Pie, other than under-the-hood enhancements.
羽瀨川小鳩 2019-1-29 16:54:54 香港xzp 遲台灣成個禮拜仲要係舊版,人地一出就 47.2.A.4.41, 外國最新 47.2.A.6.30

阿寶唔得閒 2019-1-29 16:55:51 Android Pie for Xperia XZ Premium Dual SIM係 47.2.A.6.30
我能屈能申 2019-1-29 17:07:22 XZP 啱啱 Update完 (47.2.A.2.33)
Android 版本顯示:9
係咪 Update 咗去 Android Pie?
DLLMEAA 2019-1-29 17:08:38 嘩屌完冇幾耐有更新
DLLMEAA 2019-1-29 17:10:53 xz1c係去47.2.a.4.45
長袖背心 2019-1-29 17:12:01 47.2.a.4.45係咪即係pie呀
18件家鄉雞餐 2019-1-29 17:12:42 更新咗xzp嘅巴打幫手留意吓用電係咪真係快咗
留人門封鬼路 2019-1-29 17:14:49 香港xzp果個係初版android pie

阿寶唔得閒 2019-1-29 17:14:53

巴打可否screen cap睇下



我能屈能申 2019-1-29 17:22:17 圖就唔Cap啦
我能屈能申 2019-1-29 17:23:51 電未知不過感覺開App反應快咗推畫面順咗
L'A 2019-1-29 17:40:18 XZP up完

拉登仔請收皮 2019-1-29 17:44:44 無全屏 up黎都晒氣