毛主席愛小女友 2019-1-22 22:00:19 此回覆已被刪除


吾想食救心 2019-1-22 22:00:46 返去讀下書先啦
突入集采 2019-1-22 22:03:14 睇新聞好似係佢上禮拜六已經去咗卡迪夫簽約,跟住飛返去法國同隊友道別再飛威爾斯(今次失事)
新興仔 2019-1-22 22:04:03 有冇相
邊架機?竟然唔係private jet
20歲(廢青) 2019-1-22 22:05:23 最壞情況係可能墮海所以連殘骸都搵唔到
毀屍函 2019-1-22 22:07:05 More fan reaction now from the Cardiff City Stadium.

“I couldn’t believe it,” said Frank Humphreys, 71, of Canton, Cardiff. “Your first thoughts are for his family but this could totally alter Cardiff’s season.

“You couldn’t write a script like it. It must have taken a lot of convincing for him to come and it was a huge signing for the club but now we’ll never get to see him.”
毀屍函 2019-1-22 22:09:05 Nantes have postponed their next game, a French Cup round-of-32 tie away to third-tier outfit L’Entente SSG which was scheduled to be played tomorrow night.
貓科動物 2019-1-22 22:10:07 南特退錢啦
東鄉一二三 2019-1-22 22:10:08

新興仔 2019-1-22 22:13:12 咁撚舊

東鄉一二三 2019-1-22 22:16:34 睇落就話佢自己既


毛主席愛小女友 2019-1-22 22:20:50 此回覆已被刪除
見過黑鬼唔怕黑 2019-1-22 22:23:39 用你老母黎換最好
今天有酒今天醉 2019-1-22 22:24:08 排除人為、維修機件等等
Mayuko 2019-1-22 22:25:11 此回覆已被刪除
Mayuko 2019-1-22 22:25:46 此回覆已被刪除
神隱@ユーリbb 2019-1-22 22:26:13 Cardiff City FC Executive Director & CEO Ken Choo | 22/01/19

”We were very shocked upon hearing the news that the plane had gone missing. We expected Emiliano to arrive last night into Cardiff and today was due to be his first day with the team.

“Our owner, Tan Sri Vincent Tan, and chairman, Mehmet Dalman, are all very distressed about the situation.

”We made the decision first thing this morning to call off training with the thoughts of the squad, management staff and the entire Club with Emiliano and the pilot.

“All of us at Cardiff City FC would like to thank our fans, and the entire footballing family for their support at this difficult time.

”We continue to pray for positive news.“

Cardiff City Football Club will make a further statement as more information becomes available.
神隱@ユーリbb 2019-1-22 22:28:35 Cardiff City FC Executive Director & CEO Ken Choo | 22/01/19:

阿簡 2019-1-22 22:31:17 冇炸死跌落水都凍死
狗西議員碧雲 2019-1-22 22:37:29 Press con at 23:00?
范加爾⓯Maguire 2019-1-22 22:44:47 無錢又要充大頭鬼買老爺飛機


澄江如練 2019-1-22 22:50:49 會唔會一人出一半?
A_Milik 2019-1-22 22:55:20 就算㗎野出事個陣死唔去應該都係海到凍死,應該要好好彩落到岸邊先會無事
賽麗娜Serena 2019-1-22 22:57:01 仲有幾分鐘cardiff開記招了...
窮矮柒毒 2019-1-22 22:58:13 Sala’s mother and father have been speaking to the media in South America.

The player’s dad, Horatio, told Argentine TV station Channel 5 News: “A friend told me, I did not know anything, I’m in Rosario, I’m desperate, I hope everything goes well.”

His mother, Mercedes, added: “The plane is from the President of Cardiff City FC, they informed us that the plane had disappeared and that they were looking for it.”