[po 898] LA Lakers 小圈子討論區 101
遠藤さくら 2019-1-23 18:25:17 無人睇


東鄉一二三 2019-1-23 18:26:02 KCP背後究竟有邊個撐腰
心仔大心臟 2019-1-23 18:28:40 此回覆已被刪除
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-1-23 18:33:57 此回覆已被刪除
那邊實? 2019-1-23 18:37:23 如果hart打翻summer league咁我更加覺得kcp應該正選
琦爸爸 2019-1-23 18:56:21 Hart係咪吹大左?雖然kcp都唔係好好,不過都叫穩定啲
歌神張學友 2019-1-23 19:26:11 醜醜地
歌神張學友 2019-1-23 19:27:01 Hart perimeter d不嬲唔勁
_BoA 2019-1-23 19:50:57 per def: zo > kcp > ingram > hart
post def: hart > zo = ingram >>> kcp
心仔大心臟 2019-1-23 20:41:20 此回覆已被刪除
Mani 2019-1-23 22:01:34 直頭樣衰啦痴線


Dybala 2019-1-23 22:17:39 sunny 得對波
廢區車 2019-1-23 23:46:09 2019年仲反羅既一定係弱智
Nick_Young❤️ 2019-1-23 23:51:52 此回覆已被刪除
深夜小貓 2019-1-24 00:02:54 反足800年
遠藤さくら 2019-1-24 00:58:24 抵你坐監
=.=" 2019-1-24 03:16:44 此回覆已被刪除
歌神張學友 2019-1-24 04:00:26 Dlo 30+8 反羅失業狗跳樓死
歌神張學友 2019-1-24 05:26:12 Rajon Rondo said he “hopes for the best tomorrow,” in terms of returning, but it’s not certain yet that he’ll be able to play. He said Thursday will be 3 weeks and 4 days into a 4-5 week original prognosis. He’ll go through shootaround and pregame warm ups, then we’ll see.

Walton said the Lakers have different plans in place whether Rondo is able to play or not. Brandon Ingram will still play some point guard even if Rondo plays, depending on minutes, conditioning, etc.
歌神張學友 2019-1-24 05:26:23 Luke Walton said LeBron James “got out there with the guys and did some drills.” He won’t play Thursday. He has not been ruled out yet for Sunday’s game. Walton said James looked good, got up and down the floor, and didn’t take any contact.
木村里中睛 2019-1-24 06:20:12


中野五月 2019-1-24 06:21:28 當值
歌神張學友 2019-1-24 06:32:42 廢嘅
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-24 06:36:59 我dllm!
_BoA 2019-1-24 07:49:27 牙羅又30分既