[po 898] LA Lakers 小圈子討論區 101
lakersbball 2019-1-23 13:22:18 我係度啊


lakersbball 2019-1-23 13:26:10 以前明明係香討成日屌 Jim 同 Mitch 唔肯 tank 到底
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 13:36:09 西門咪又係唔好
好彩冇得揀揀呢個overrated閪門斯 打個summer league要休成季 手又短 零進攻技巧 仲要今年已經21歲

有身型,速度,court vision,passing
summer league 見到開始射下波
你講個幾點Ingram都有 仲已經實際落場證明過

閪門斯最多咪Odom級數 但Odom臂展仲勁
ingram 得個高字

court vision 同passing 真係唔係好睇到
佢只係make right decision 唔會夾硬黎
simmons 同ingram 根本唔同類型


flashes 有幾下既

Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 13:36:39 呢季DLo 同牙B唔爆發我紅毛泥封西啦

DLo 目標22+7
牙B 無18唔收貨
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 13:40:31 不過話時話
av兄 我都覺得你話deng mozgov做mentor呢句係個錯誤
首先除非好似dirk nash咁德高望重人品好 外國球員要做mentor係有難度
果時deng響騎士隊波士氣低落 佢直頭公開對媒體呻 唔似係抗壓好好嘅球員
mozgov直頭無料又心雄 我覺得無論如何都應該清走
但我唔反對你講拎其他人換17年pick 而唔迫切清cap space嘅講法

同 dirk nash kg mentoring 能力比肯定係爭好遠
但係你清唔走 deng mozgov,咪唯有搵佢地做 mentor
今年佢地都有做類似角色 + 本身簽佢地都係想佢地幫手 MENTOR

Walton praises Mozgov and Deng for being “very professional” and for mentoring the team’s young roster.

Mozgov also could be a mentor to Ivica Zubac, the 7-foot Croatian teenager drafted by the Lakers with the 32nd overall pick last week.

The thought was that not only would Deng be able to give them valuable minutes at both forward positions, but he would also serve as an excellent mentor for second overall pick and fellow Duke product Brandon Ingram.

Lakers Forward Luol Deng Making Positive Impact On Brandon Ingram

同埋 Deng 做 mentor 一向 ok

Minnesota Timberwolves coach Tom Thibodeau, who coached Deng in Chicago, praised him for mentoring All-Star forward Jimmy Butler during his rookie season (2011-12).
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 13:46:08 Butler 自已都係咁講
Bulls' Jimmy Butler has assumed indispensable role of mentor Luol Deng

Deng took Butler under his wing when Deng stood as Tom Thibodeau's indispensable two-way player and Butler mostly sat. Night after night, Deng would text Butler during Butler's mostly inactive rookie season, telling him to meet him at the Berto Center for extra work.

"It's crazy how everything works," Butler said. "Lu is the main one who always told me to be ready and keep working on my game and be confident. He told me I belonged here. Stuff like that goes a long way and that's stuff that everybody doesn't see and hear. Lu is a key part to me keeping my head into the game.

"The way I look at it, I owe him a little bit," Butler said, a sly smile forming. "That's why I'm going to show him the protege is doing it."

簽 Deng Mozgov 果時嘅新聞
The thought was that not only would Deng be able to give them valuable minutes at both forward positions, but he would also serve as an excellent mentor for second overall pick and fellow Duke product Brandon Ingram.
Mozgov also could be a mentor to Ivica Zubac, the 7-foot Croatian teenager drafted by the Lakers with the 32nd overall pick last week.

The thought was that not only would Deng be able to give them valuable minutes at both forward positions, but he would also serve as an excellent mentor for second overall pick and fellow Duke product Brandon Ingram.

自已唔識唔緊要,唔識走去串人 on 9 先係問題
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 13:46:30 唔係我講嘅,邊個講自己認
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 13:50:09 簽埋rondo 今個preseason俾8分


遠藤さくら 2019-1-23 13:56:07 留名
lakersbball 2019-1-23 13:56:46 有三段應該唔關我事?

我話湖人簽佢地係想佢地做 mentor
同埋 Deng 可以做到 mentor 呢個角色
就等於我話支持湖人用呢個價錢 + 四年約簽佢地?

呢篇我 2016 年打嘅
頭一段已經係咁屌 Mitch 簽佢地
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 13:59:16 我冇話d咩,笑下唔得?


Dybala 2019-1-23 14:00:33 世界大戰
lakersbball 2019-1-23 14:01:40 得,咁一於拎埋你果 d 出黎笑

咩咩應該 draft JJ
咩咩 Lonzo = next Kendall Marshall
歌神張學友 2019-1-23 14:02:34 Arsenal Velvet?
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 14:03:21 如果唔係得 Russell, Ingram, Randle 根本唔夠爭冠軍
加上暫時三位表現完全無說服力,上季湖迷幫 Russell 搵左幾個籍口,估佢今年有球權至少都有 17+7,點知今季表現仲差過上季 all-star break 之後既表現
防守一樣係咁差,4.5 assists & 3 turnover,今季有球權都睇唔到所謂好出色嘅 playmaking 能力去左邊,連出場時間都少左

Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 14:06:08 上年jj allstar break 後人人j
係off season 玩野玩殘佢

kendall marshall 第二年成績 8分,8.8assists
lonzo ball 第二年 9.9分,5.4 assists
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 14:07:30 嗱,上面有人話,唔知邊個講deng同俄佬做mentor,我咪搵出黎囉,咁大反應做乜
遠藤さくら 2019-1-23 14:08:33
B_Diaz 2019-1-23 14:09:41
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 14:11:21 喂,我有講過trade down pick fox ,你又唔提?
lakersbball 2019-1-23 14:12:36 如果係講 dlo 嘅,我認啊
做到球隊 leader,d interview 對答都好成熟
唔會好似你咁,到依家都死撐 Lonzo 係 next Kendall Marshall


Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 14:14:30 你講下兩者數據個分別,點樣說服到我,佢係一個tier 1 新秀?
歌神張學友 2019-1-23 14:14:46 羅羅有無機all star
Sunny@SNSD 2019-1-23 14:14:58 kendall marshall 第二年成績 8分,8.8assists
lonzo ball 第二年 9.9分,5.4 assists

lakersbball 2019-1-23 14:15:05 你話我撐 Mitch 簽 Mozgov 同 Deng,就係你隨便拎出黎笑下
我放埋條 link 比你睇話我無,就係我咁大反應