[Say No to False 9] 車路士球迷轉會空炮期待區
最強翼衛摸西先 2019-1-23 02:06:15 得呢到d傻西以為沙狗帥位危險



Yannick_卡拉OK 2019-1-23 02:18:43 呢場都輸真係CLS
飛雪 2019-1-23 02:28:35 係複製2013歐霸冠軍
Schurrle 2019-1-23 02:29:05 BREAKING: John Obi Mikel is having a medical at Middlesbrough after agreeing personal terms on a short-term contract. #SSN
N.Anelka 2019-1-23 02:43:42 此回覆已被刪除
旮旯 2019-1-23 02:54:51 上年干地打殘陣咪都係贏唔到阿狗
部屋右牆角 2019-1-23 04:20:47 憑咩咁大信心垃圾車得1.56
香港迪斯 2019-1-23 06:51:14 季季都咁
nkche 2019-1-23 07:06:49 Gonzalo Higuain will fly out from Milan to London on Wednesday morning for his medical (link: https://www.football-italia.net/133638/higuain-finalises-chelsea-details) football-italia.net/133638/higuain… #ACMilan #ChelseaFC #CFC #Juventus #Argentina
樓上係傻仔 2019-1-23 07:33:44 呢句由星期六聽到而家
迪迪亞杜奧巴⚽ 2019-1-23 07:49:45 Morning!!!


Hanako 2019-1-23 07:50:52 Piatek will have his medical with AC Milan tomorrow morning. It will sparj Higuain's move to Chelsea. Morata to Atletico Madrid. Medical day

DannyDrinkwater 2019-1-23 07:56:20 冇news先係車仔!
韋利安(世三) 2019-1-23 07:57:34 有無人繼續通宵等西瓜到
迪迪亞杜奧巴⚽ 2019-1-23 08:30:41 直接返緊工
迪迪亞杜奧巴⚽ 2019-1-23 08:31:03 no higuain no sleep
水長流 2019-1-23 08:55:32 痴線 又係deadline 3角deal
Hanako 2019-1-23 08:57:29 同一隊意假deal已經煩 依家變相要同兩隊
首席文書主任 2019-1-23 09:03:18 屌啦星希古恩又冇upload ig近況

Odoi都貼下IG story表示自己仲係車同存在
不快則慢 2019-1-23 09:10:37 車仔好鐘意比意假撚
最強翼衛摸西先 2019-1-23 09:18:33 Gonzalo Higuain will arrive in London tomorrow! He’s coming... 🔵 #CFC #Chelsea


最強翼衛摸西先 2019-1-23 09:19:01 1) keep calm
2) I have just said done deal some days ago, speake with who said for 3 days “he is arriving tomorrow”... I’ve never said. This is the first time and tomorrow he will arrive.
奧斯爾BB 2019-1-23 09:21:45 Hot Wednesday🔥🔥🔥
夏薩拮蘿柚特 2019-1-23 09:33:08 聽日先黎姐係對熱出唔到啦

假9 & 比殘陣炒
Hanako 2019-1-23 09:34:15 12nn前就得