[COYS - Kane FC 無傾] 熱刺球迷吹水區 113
反利維痾 2019-1-23 22:58:12

”I am really tired now. I was over in Nantes sorting things out, doing this, doing that,“ he says in the message. ”I am now aboard a plane that seems like it is falling to pieces. I’m going to Cardiff now, crazy, and tomorrow we get going. I will train with my new team tomorrow.“

He added: ”If you do not have any more news from in an hour and a half, I don‘t know if they need to send someone to find me. I am getting scared!“



反利維的細屎忽 2019-1-23 22:58:45 真心慘...
洪七公 2019-1-23 23:03:20 郭富城既脆?
厹不下 2019-1-23 23:05:18 Wimmer就算啦
非典型文青 2019-1-23 23:12:42 肥普出名 85 分鐘impress me
C.C.V.(一花) 2019-1-23 23:13:40 賣wimmer走係有賺
查比亞愛牛清 2019-1-23 23:16:38 Llorente
Lucas Eriksen Lamela
Sissoko Wanyama
Rose Jan Toby Aurier

Eriksen23🕊 2019-1-23 23:17:55 而家好似已經去左德甲 失左勁多波
EtiCalb 2019-1-23 23:20:40 超人傷果陣踢得幾好,佢自己傷完之後就打唔返起
JuanFoyth 2019-1-23 23:22:00 大家支持我定山狗
EtiCalb 2019-1-23 23:22:17 80m真係cls


EtiCalb 2019-1-23 23:23:03 學當年費爵爺搵孖仔踢左右中場
RobbieKeane 2019-1-23 23:28:02 傳艾蘭奧杜域
C.C.V.(一花) 2019-1-23 23:32:01 又炒高咗明日之星嘅價
反利維痾 2019-1-23 23:33:04 仲有dier 可以做後備
查比亞愛牛清 2019-1-23 23:34:12 咪係
bd trippier dier呢d係晒後備啦 你地仲唔滿意
閃烈の銀狼 2019-1-23 23:36:08 果時熱刺主力打4231,雪馬的身高可以彌補比利時孖寶最弱的高波防守。只不過去左第二年轉打三中堅就要求高位防守,雪馬速度慢的弱點就突顯了。
閃烈の銀狼 2019-1-23 23:37:16 人地借緊西瓜恩,我地就出老撚。
查比亞愛牛清 2019-1-23 23:38:17 人地屌緊女,我就玩賓周
閃烈の銀狼 2019-1-23 23:39:20 你有得同科格劍
反利維痾 2019-1-23 23:39:36 究竟係sp定係女?


非典型文青 2019-1-23 23:51:06 超人我覺得高波唔算弱 toby 就係啦
閃烈の銀狼 2019-1-23 23:53:07 果陣去左外國讀書,我都唔知係乜關係。
反利維痾 2019-1-23 23:57:09 無手尾
EtiCalb 2019-1-24 00:05:54 https://twitter.com/SpursOfficial/status/1088104646399455232
