LIHKG CCTVB:再購美國大豆 中國為大贏家
上帝要你滅亡 2019-1-18 07:39:41


Penilemegaly 2019-1-18 07:40:23 此回覆已被刪除
L.Messi 2019-1-18 07:40:31 痴線,以為係假
Oggy 2019-1-18 07:41:08 係,又贏。
祭酒 2019-1-18 07:41:09 此回覆已被刪除
Fayette 2019-1-18 07:41:20 買又嬴,唔買又嬴,嬴哂
大佬唔好咁痴線 2019-1-18 07:41:48 出門前見到真心笑撚左
朧月夜 2019-1-18 07:42:40 啱啱我都睇到,笑撚死
窮撚煞星 2019-1-18 07:44:14 廢老:我一早話咗中国實贏架啦~
喂阿哥! 2019-1-18 07:45:04
鼻哥窿都侮辱 2019-1-18 07:45:56


沙格拿(反愛) 2019-1-18 07:46:54 中國成最大贏家合集 +1
土木膠程師 2019-1-18 07:47:03 棄購美國大豆 中国為大贏家
巴西豆價格急升 中国為大贏家
再購美國大豆 中国為大贏家
失業毒男 2019-1-18 07:47:06 此回覆已被刪除
上帝要你滅亡 2019-1-18 07:48:49
qazwsxedc 2019-1-18 07:49:21 老母成日去百佳買米 咁佢咪贏左誠哥?
沙格拿(反愛) 2019-1-18 07:50:18




魚翅航空無女 2019-1-18 07:51:58 原文:

While both Chinese buyers and U.S. farmers are casualties of tit-for-tat tariffs, the truce initially was seen as a major boon for American suppliers, with expectations of about 10 million metric tons in Chinese purchases. But China is said to have bought about half that amount and, by dipping its toe back into the U.S. market, it not only generated goodwill for the trade talks, it also managed to lower the premium for soy from Brazil, its other major supplier.

“Was that all strategically planned? I don’t know, but the Chinese got the best of both worlds," Steve Nicholson, a senior analyst at Rabobank, a leading lender to the agricultural industry, said in an interview. “They’re some of the best traders in the world.”

For the U.S., that means China is probably going to revert to buying beans from Brazil when supplies from the current harvest start filling silos at top ports from February or March, Veloso said. Brazilian growers planted soybeans earlier than usual last year, partly because they expected to benefit from the U.S.-China trade war and the weather was favorable.

“The main beneficiaries from this whole process were the Chinese,” Veloso said. “They bought cheap soy in the U.S. and they will now buy cheap soy in Brazil. Their decisions have huge sway in the international market.”
土木膠程師 2019-1-18 07:54:25 The main beneficiaries from this whole process were the Chinese,” Veloso said. “They bought cheap soy in the U.S. and they will now buy cheap soy in Brazil. Their decisions have huge sway in the international market.”

China will be the biggest winner
IP都唔駛Check 2019-1-18 07:54:43
磨練 2019-1-18 07:55:21


六少-要寫app 2019-1-18 07:55:39 巴絲話我知
上帝要你滅亡 2019-1-18 07:57:26
BAM圖專家 2019-1-18 07:58:30 真係痴撚線
石田佐吉三成 2019-1-18 08:01:44 我仲以為自己努視幻聽