[多圖] 終極港女處決米線店與其食客
多麼蠢的蠢豬 2019-1-16 12:22:53 睇撚死我


多麼蠢的蠢豬 2019-1-16 12:23:33 咁撚快
麥太保 2019-1-16 12:33:18 此回覆已被刪除
譚仔三姐 2019-1-16 12:37:37 女神ig del follower

唔准搭我膊頭 2019-1-16 12:40:11 條囡個閪咪都係咁dirty
handtired傲嬌 2019-1-16 12:44:08 睇到佢話佢喊 我就大笑咗 thanks
黃美英係我老婆 2019-1-16 12:45:09 tiu girl yau mo read books ga
黑色先生 2019-1-16 12:46:01 Up乜春
➒安杜美斯(Kane) 2019-1-16 12:46:51 ACTUALLY我一睇就明 唔知點解
綠帽鹿角 2019-1-16 12:49:11 人地好chaam喇已經
妳是我心上人 2019-1-16 12:51:16 lm


72%朱古力 2019-1-16 12:56:14 阿鬼,不如你都係講返中文啦
最愛小豆^3^ 2019-1-16 12:58:43 分唔清到底係goodest English定goodest Cantonese
barrylyndon 2019-1-16 13:00:53 完全唔L明白
廢柴(鍵盤) 2019-1-16 13:19:49 vantsui
綠帽鹿角 2019-1-16 13:28:59 試玩下

I was so broke so I randomly went into a rice noodle restaurant to have dinner alone. I then realized that the place was so dirty and run-down and the people around me were also dirty and gross. So I think the food being served was dirty as well. In a moment I felt like throwing up so I stopped eating. I was so desperate I couldn't help but cry.
漢堡反底 2019-1-16 13:36:54 超港女
窮書生食花生 2019-1-16 13:37:54 [/quote]

條仔件衫個碼數貼紙都未搣 就咪撚po上ig畀人笑啦
水時推廣員 2019-1-16 13:39:19 Updup
鬼馬呠呠車 2019-1-16 13:40:21 睇唔明
大隻東北婦 2019-1-16 13:51:41 whole charm


十小雞 2019-1-16 13:54:47 ksud dou gei ho siu ar
yi hau d cm dou use lei d lang lah bud yu
阿群 2019-1-16 13:58:22 所以讀到果度打左個突
阿群 2019-1-16 14:04:43 我覺得香港考試制度佢可能有5*添
但肯定唔係native level
東京急行電鉄 2019-1-16 14:06:08 child登仔D水平低撚到一個地步 唔識一個詞之餘反問人地有無用錯詞語 單係寫呢篇ig story既人用reckon同puke呢兩個字 已經睇得出佢英文好過一半以上child登仔 成班child登仔除左淨係笑人地用拼音之外仲有乜野識