『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(29) May姐有請
慕尼黑力架 2019-2-1 20:22:09 個配色都出曬事啦


賣花生的人 2019-2-1 20:26:52 此回覆已被刪除
leChronique 2019-2-1 21:15:51 支那真係為打飛機而打飛機


事頭婆 2019-2-1 21:30:33 主動D啦
邪惡熊仔 2019-2-1 21:36:25 柒到喊 BNO又贏
巴斯達光年 2019-2-1 21:42:57 由day 1開始已經贏左九條街
希魔 2019-2-1 21:46:47 好似都係膠頁
az-687 2019-2-1 22:05:05 新cno
ThePunisher 2019-2-1 22:05:34 新特區護照柒撚到喊
堀北真希2 2019-2-1 22:09:24
希魔 2019-2-1 22:12:08



重口味名士 2019-2-1 22:16:55 同張身份證一樣咁垃圾
刺資廁紙 2019-2-1 22:38:09 比機會你指住兩支旗同IO慢慢解釋

好user friendly
邪惡熊仔 2019-2-1 22:38:52 由佢地共榮啦
az-687 2019-2-1 22:58:36 有成5粒油漬
食fish 譜 chips用哂成隻手
事頭婆 2019-2-1 23:16:47
三言兩乳 2019-2-2 01:21:26 問幾條問題就批左
無駄無駄無駄無駄 2019-2-2 01:23:05 Please contact us 係咩玩法
已發信Liverpool internal eqa and bno team
無駄無駄無駄無駄 2019-2-2 01:24:47 International *
失業仔 2019-2-2 01:45:21 哎吔,咁嗰本因設計同身份太柒而永世無BNO會用嘅特區護照係乾淨程度咪又成為大贏家?
邪惡熊仔 2019-2-2 01:47:31 Dear Passport Applicant (or Parent/Guardian),

I refer to your recent application for a passport. Her Majesty's Passport Office would like to ask you for some additional feedback in a short online survey. The aim of this survey is to find out how well we met your needs and how we can improve our service for our overseas customers in the future.

Please click on the Overseas Customer Experience Survey to give your feedback.

The questionnaire should take no more than 10 - 15 minutes to complete. It should be completed by the applicant themselves or the parent or guardian who applied on their behalf. If you are not the applicant, their parent or guardian, please send this invitation to the applicant.

This research is being conducted by HM Passport Office's Customer Insight team, and it abides by the Market Research Society's Code of Conduct.

Your feedback will be anonymous and it cannot be linked with your application.
The success of this research depends entirely on your voluntary co-operation, and I hope you will be able to take part.

If you have any further comments specifically about this research, you can contact the Customer Insight team via customerinsight@hmpo.gsi.gov.uk.

Thank you for your time.


長期病患者 2019-2-2 01:58:33 叫佢哋做嘢唔好咁那西
靠北工程師 2019-2-2 02:12:00 直接send條link俾佢
情繫海邊之城 2019-2-2 02:55:58 即係理論上可以搏,搏到有次撞正個officer手鬆?
電工 2019-2-2 05:10:21 你舊護照相片同你而家相差幾遠?