[MOOMOO]MAMAMOO討論區[13]東南亞fanmeeting tour!START!二月日本岀碟啦!
MMM定仔(拉菲爾) 2019-1-29 01:22:06


MMM定仔(拉菲爾) 2019-1-29 14:06:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zlf9fMv32E
MMM定仔(拉菲爾) 2019-1-29 19:09:58
MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-30 00:49:58 ”girl group Mamamoo Hwasa, topic of conversations a celebrity with strong personality as advertisement model this helped the growth of the brand“

MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-30 00:51:49
撒嬌瓏 2019-1-30 13:59:39 想問之前泰國vapp 容仙佢地講果張新聞相係邊張?
MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-30 14:06:30

MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-30 14:10:58 ˙지금 1위는?˙ 마마무 솔라부터 유키스 준까지…김완선에 ˙발칙한 도전˙ naver.me/Gewpxpts

solar is going to be on a new mbc music variety show called ’다시 쓰는 차트쇼 지금 1위는‘ (translated as is: ’rewriting chart show right now number 1 is?‘).

from my understanding, the show will have currently active singers compete by performing reinterpretations of past songs that couldn‘t reach number 1 on music charts.

solar performed the song ’temptation‘, originally by lee jae young. solar expressed her determination by saying, ”the first time i heard ’temptation‘, i was refreshingly shocked. i hope it will be a good shock to others as well.“

lee jae young apparently cried after watching her performance.

the show will air on february 4th and 5th.

文星伊. 2019-1-30 14:53:24 MAMAMOO X HOOLALA CHICKEN

“With Mamamoo as the brand ambassador, the sales had rapidly raised because of TV advertisements and many other promotional tactics.”

撒嬌瓏 2019-1-30 16:46:51

郵差長腿叔叔 2019-1-30 17:15:18 見到翻譯話post係official moomoo secret


文星伊. 2019-1-30 17:18:03 即係官木3期(俾左錢入會個啲)有得睇,普通既冇得睇
MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-30 18:42:29
MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-30 20:04:39
MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-30 20:11:27 https://youtu.be/I-ORE0PR2zk

輝人粒酒窩 2019-1-30 21:19:28 第一次睇嗰陣笑到仆街
MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-30 21:56:18 RBW is planning to move to a new and bigger building in Gangnam, either this year or the next.
日月大法好 2019-1-30 22:29:50 個節目好似幾有趣咁
文星伊. 2019-1-30 23:44:07 強行清純不了
你無拉褲鏈 2019-1-31 03:10:29 我都想知係邊張
文星伊. 2019-1-31 12:40:52



MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-31 14:23:51

日月大法好 2019-1-31 18:57:06 中間條線好危險
MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-31 19:47:02 https://youtu.be/hYwoLf2D7JU
惠真唱Fly me to the moon
MMM定仔迷朴寶英 2019-1-31 22:17:15