[Willian in Chelsea:Civil War]車路士球迷討論區
羅四海 2019-1-13 11:10:18 你自己假想嘅啫


窮是罪 2019-1-13 11:15:24 隊波永遠柒果陣, 安企出來救隊波
隊波順景果陣, 安就時間停頂
Diego_Costa 2019-1-13 11:17:27 此回覆已被刪除
火撚鳥 2019-1-13 11:25:52 三年後唔知有無一件留到隊
巴卡約高踢法似我 2019-1-13 11:25:56 琴日安入致勝波係開心既係勁既
不過佢踢廿九幾場先勁一場有咩用 都係要躝
羅四海 2019-1-13 11:27:49 exact7ly
羅四海 2019-1-13 11:28:14
火撚鳥 2019-1-13 11:31:41 失個球又係失佢喎
羅四海 2019-1-13 11:35:12
首席文書主任 2019-1-13 11:35:15 安廢 = 車勁
安勁 = 車廢
Diego_Costa 2019-1-13 11:37:23 此回覆已被刪除


E.Lamela 2019-1-13 11:37:39 其實真係要講佐真奴衰咩,我會話佢跑動範圍細囉,話佢得傳波嘅人其實係咪期待佢係派路?
Heazard 2019-1-13 11:38:05 In the build-up to the game, there had been media stories of transfer bids for Willian but there is no substance to talk of him going, he stated after the win.

‘My future is here, at Chelsea, I don’t know what you are talking about,’ he said, before reflecting on his 49th goal for the Blues.

‘It was a good goal. I found the space and I put the ball exactly where I wanted to put it.’
快點蛋姦我 2019-1-13 11:41:29 疤想用古天奴換世三
IIV手得逃大 2019-1-13 11:43:04 反安又輸
JoseMourinho 2019-1-13 11:45:08 幾時有贏過?
shev!! 2019-1-13 11:46:27 willian <> sane
morata <> kane
luiz <> van dijk

ff mode 咁樣 車可以提升幾多個level
Diego_Costa 2019-1-13 11:49:24 此回覆已被刪除
Diego_Costa 2019-1-13 11:49:55 此回覆已被刪除
summerc 2019-1-13 11:50:42 沙狗out
首席文書主任 2019-1-13 11:50:52 只恨干狗討伐巴閪人不力

Costa (照計

Luiz (北伐途中被油王召回莫須有)


Where? 2019-1-13 11:52:42 基斯甸臣呢
羅四海 2019-1-13 11:53:12 死都唔俾佢去鍠
LizzieOlsen 2019-1-13 11:54:23 收哂皮啦條友
夏薩拮蘿柚特 2019-1-13 12:02:28 去同美斯踢仲好過去皇啦