amd cpu&gpu 討論post #7
蘭若生春夏 2019-1-13 01:27:18 16gb vram睇嚟真係有用



硬件傳心師-堂精 2019-1-13 01:28:45
蘭若生春夏 2019-1-13 01:29:57 單係貼圖開到最高就食8GB
硬件傳心師-堂精 2019-1-13 01:31:24 搵日試下

畢索膠 2019-1-13 08:40:40 30分鐘免費玩
Jacksjoke 2019-1-13 10:25:28 4k max 13.69gb
硬件傳心師-堂精 2019-1-13 10:29:01 5分鐘爆機
畢索膠 2019-1-13 10:35:40 熟手就係
慢慢玩點on9 2x 分鐘都玩完
屌你都廢撚事 2019-1-13 15:33:51 隻貓頭鷹u12s原來要另買amd扣
硬件台茶包 2019-1-13 16:33:25 買b quiet 新出既就唔洗煩
硬件台茶包 2019-1-13 16:33:50
16gb vram睇嚟真係有用




屌你都廢撚事 2019-1-13 18:16:31 我係中咗伏,買多咗嘢
Jacksjoke 2019-1-13 18:49:47 "You Will Hear More About Navi in 2019" - Lisa Su


In a recent interview with PC World, Lisa Su confirms that gamers "will hear more about Navi in 2019". Navi is AMD's next-generation graphics architecture, GPU technology which is expected to be used in next-generation consoles from both Sony and Microsoft.

When speaking to other members of the tech press, when answering questions regarding AMD's plans for ray tracing, Lisa Su commented that gamers would "hear more about our (AMD's) plans as we go through the year", suggesting that AMD will have DXR (DirectX Raytracing) compatible hardware sooner than expected.

In recent weeks it was uncovered that the PlayStation-owned developer Polyphony Digital was working on real-time ray tracing technology , fueling speculation that Sony's next-generation console would utilise ray tracing compatible technology.

AMD's CTO, Mark Papermaster, also confirmed to The Street that there would be new GPU launches throughout 2019, saying that "you'll see the announcements over the course of the year as we round out our Radeon roadmap", suggesting that Radeon will release more 7nm graphics cards this year. At this time it is unknown whether or not these graphics cards will be based on AMD's Navi architecture.
蘭若生春夏 2019-1-13 23:12:34 Navi得中階卡?
蘭若生春夏 2019-1-13 23:13:24 乜公佈咗TDP

Jacksjoke 2019-1-13 23:19:09 等評測出左 再睇tdp
淫不甩 2019-1-14 10:44:38 想問2700x 超頻 4.25 1.35v 搭 d15s aida64 燒15分鐘上到89度,正唔正常
Jacksjoke 2019-1-14 12:01:13 4.25ghz 1.35v 打機穩定 冇 hang?
硬件傳心師-堂精 2019-1-14 12:30:17 89度好熱
淫不甩 2019-1-14 12:45:53 之前行佢個自動超頻打機,最高行到3.9,溫度都上到76度,宜家手動超打farcry5 1080p 最高效,都上到85,一到90度左右就會hang
display gtx1080
如果換個nzxt x62 會唔好d
畢索膠 2019-1-14 13:32:53 2600 set 死行4000@1.35v
開 hwmonitor , 睇番 max 有去過5xxx , 咩料


Jacksjoke 2019-1-14 13:35:54 d15s 理應壓到4.2 應該電壓比得唔夠
淫不甩 2019-1-14 13:46:12 如果上到1.4x, 粒u 會唔會好快打柴
Jacksjoke 2019-1-14 13:48:06 用緊4.2 @ 1.425 (普通體質)表示
硬件台茶包 2019-1-14 14:01:22 4.2@1.32