男人的浪漫(19)Nokia Connecting People
Freelancer 2019-1-26 11:47:12 https://www.post852.com/268251/%E6%B6%88%E6%81%AF%E6%8C%87%E5%8A%A0%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E5%B0%87%E5%90%91%E8%8F%AF%E7%82%BA%E5%B0%8D%E6%89%8B%E8%AB%BE%E5%9F%BA%E4%BA%9E%E6%8F%90%E4%BE%9B%E8%B3%87%E9%87%91%E3%80%80%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6/

消息指加政府將向華為對手諾基亞提供資金 研究當地5G技術


火野 2019-1-26 14:19:17 都知自己做咗狼來了好多次

釋天武 2019-1-26 15:15:52 今日去左試機發覺Nokia機影相真係還完度高好多 其他機就光D同有少少美化
萠黄色的心 2019-1-26 15:43:40 此回覆已被刪除
不多也了 2019-1-26 15:47:07 The Nokia 9 PureView is expected to be a flagship offering and the world’s first smartphone with five camera setup. You heard it right! The handset is tipped to feature Penta cameras at the back panel. It’ll most likely flaunt a 5.99-inch display – probably with an 18:9 aspect ratio, 2K resolution, and Nokia’s PureView tech. Under the hood, it may employ Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 845 chipset accompanied by 6GB of RAM and 128GB native storage.

The Nokia 6.2 and Nokia 8.1 Plus are expected to be mid-range offerings. The alleged Nokia 6.2 will come as a successor to Nokia 6.1 or Nokia 6 (2018). It’s tipped to flaunt a punch-hole display like the Galaxy A8s and Honor View 20 and Snapdragon 632 chipset.

The Nokia 8.1 Plus, on the other hand, will most likely be a slightly more powerful version of the recently launched Nokia 8.1. The handset is expected to come with a punch-hole style display with front camera at the top and Snapdragon 710 SoC ticking at its core. Other than these smartphones, Nokia could also introduce a few more devices such as new feature phones. Stay tuned to know more.
高石岳 2019-1-26 17:44:44 8.1 plus屌得過
萊斯仔 2019-1-26 17:50:19 Snapdragon 632...
高石岳 2019-1-26 17:55:58 710喎
萊斯仔 2019-1-26 18:16:29 係喎
即係8.1靚仔版 再多少少電就
高石岳 2019-1-26 18:22:05 忍夠8仔個濕鳩nfc
眼鏡蛇 2019-1-26 19:09:26

8.1 plus似係吹嘅
而家基本上confirm係6.2同9 pureview


高石岳 2019-1-26 19:32:51
C.馬撚 2019-1-26 20:39:58
張先生[A0] 2019-1-26 21:33:09 nokia 9 ?
雲想衣裳花想容 2019-1-26 22:15:38

蘇寧手機app送$600 coupon

無物為真 2019-1-26 22:28:13 港版嗎?
雲想衣裳花想容 2019-1-26 22:30:21 係港版 不過得紅色
一招了太過少 2019-1-26 22:40:27 可唔可以show你用左咩券?我用唔到嘅
雲想衣裳花想容 2019-1-26 22:42:31 首頁最頂有得拎$600 coupon
一招了太過少 2019-1-26 22:53:37

雲想衣裳花想容 2019-1-26 23:18:23

最頂有排廣告嫁喎 按入去豬多年貨 $60果個就係


一招了太過少 2019-1-26 23:53:54

我女朋友Gcup 2019-1-27 01:29:12 岩岩買咗8.1,請問大家點裝gcam/用咩apk
我女朋友Gcup 2019-1-27 01:30:44 係咪第二個回覆入面fully work個個?
釋天武 2019-1-27 01:41:29 無晒貨