美玩討論區(12)Happy New Year
約翰維克 2019-1-6 20:42:09 Black series ??


半玖拾 2019-1-6 20:51:05 係 entertainment earth exclusive嚟
賓周是打 2019-1-6 21:01:36 而家最難係咪padme同ep2 anakin?
半玖拾 2019-1-6 21:18:49 仲有Qui gon jin
其實哩set都難 不過無咩人理咁

最後絕地無事 2019-1-6 21:30:44 睇落咪都係孩仔出 睇下y拍 風車有無
半玖拾 2019-1-6 22:25:36 去縱橫行望望先 見ebay成千銀一set
順li成雙 2019-1-6 22:36:58 唔同色有咩分別?
半玖拾 2019-1-6 22:53:09 同一個身但唔同塗裝
順li成雙 2019-1-6 22:54:14 係唔同兵種定咩?
半玖拾 2019-1-6 23:07:13 唔同部隊
橙係212th attack battalion跟obi-wan
藍係501st 跟anakin
綠係442nd siege battalion
紅係coruscant guard
順li成雙 2019-1-6 23:25:37

無睇clone wars


2019-1-6 23:28:09 兩盒 boxset 都有買

紅燒兔仔頭 2019-1-7 00:25:11 Ep3都有提
半玖拾 2019-1-7 00:56:05 咁就應該睇了 clone wars真心正 希望今年個輯keep到
一旦錯過就不再 2019-1-7 13:11:59 好期待今年呢輯
純白鎮小智(神奧) 2019-1-7 15:51:30 https://batman-news.com/2019/01/07/mondo-batman-one-sixth-scale-collectible-figure-review/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook

純白鎮小智(神奧) 2019-1-7 15:58:26 D陰影真係唔掂 搞到好似一撻撻咁


The accent highlights of light blue tracing the cowl and gloves and the shadow shading on Batman’s face might put you off at first as being overly stylized, but I assure you that this added detail looks fantastic when you find the right pose and the right lighting for your display. Those accents lend the figure added dimension and texture, but if you over-light your display or position Batman in a way that doesn’t complement those highlights you might find them to be more distracting.
瓏王傳說 2019-1-7 15:58:53 頭先去左
順li成雙 2019-1-7 18:35:20 好似好正
順li成雙 2019-1-7 18:51:48 無乜特別
暮雨 2019-1-7 19:07:34 I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid


明尼蘇達州 2019-1-7 21:30:07 此回覆已被刪除
順li成雙 2019-1-7 21:47:00 有marvel legends 想後追,但炒起左$3xx

半玖拾 2019-1-7 21:47:40 唔知會唔會跟返以前流出嘅劇情
Asaji ventress同quinlan vos暗殺count dooku
瓏王傳說 2019-1-7 21:47:43 邊隻?