不過好可惜地,因為data 少 & 現有研究都發現唔到佢有咩用,所以主流guideline 都係唔建議用於prevention of vascular dementia
我睇埋 Cochrane 篇 Systematic Review,作者結論都係話Piracetam比起Placebo 都係冇咩用,暫時都唔建議用:"Published evidence does not support the use of piracetam in the treatment of people with dementia or cognitive impairment. Although effects were found on global impression of change, no benefit was shown by any of the more specific measures of cognitive function. The evidence indicates a need for further evaluation of piracetam." https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD001011/full
(不過有幾個小研究話Piracetam 用係 "cortical myoclonus 皮質肌躍症"可能都有啲用,不過我相信你應該唔係問緊呢個indications
2019-3-2 17:02:56
sorry ar 絲打咁遲先覆你,小弟呢排都比較忙