『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(28) 晚晚舟事件及恭賀袁木拉柴
酸民治日鮮 2019-1-7 23:34:39 1. 單憑有呢張嘢唔代表有BNO,另一個可能係CI.

2. 為咗要排除係因CI而取得呢張嘢,就要搵嘢去證明自己無可能係拎CI。

3. CI係乜?香港身份證明書,簽發畀無法申請任何國家護照嘅香港永久居民。

4. 香港出生者點解要睇自己出生時父母是否香港永久居民,係因為根據1981年英國國籍法,你只有出生時父母或其中一人係你出世時已經係永久居民,你就已經係香港BDTC。有香港BDTC嘅人係唔會有資格申請CI,因為可以申請BDTC護照。



天滅共產黨 2019-1-7 23:52:23 旅行個陣會少咗好多樂趣

迷途女書僮 2019-1-8 00:14:20


az-687 2019-1-8 00:28:54 點改好
邪惡熊仔 2019-1-8 00:30:03 黑色BDTC
az-687 2019-1-8 00:35:08 駛唔駛加D文字解釋下
az-687 2019-1-8 00:44:15 睇下入便既nationality 係咩先
迷途女書僮 2019-1-8 00:53:29 有咩分別嫁?未看曬資料
az-687 2019-1-8 00:54:07 睇左入便係咩nationality 先啦
扮基抽下水 2019-1-8 00:58:48 此回覆已被刪除
迷途女書僮 2019-1-8 01:01:24 你個
我見唯一個似係寫national status :british national (overseas)


az-687 2019-1-8 01:02:58 恭喜哂
迷途女書僮 2019-1-8 01:06:50 姐係有定沒~
邪惡熊仔 2019-1-8 01:14:31 British Overseas Territories Act 2002
As of 21st May 2002, most people who currently hold a British Dependent Territories Citizen (BDTC) passport will automatically become British Citizens (BC).

This is the effect of the commencement of the British Citizenship provision of the British Overseas Territories Act 2002, which has already
re-named British Dependent Territories Citizenship as Britis
h Overseas Territories Citizenship (BOTC).

The Act provides that BDTCs, except those whose BDTC status derives solely from their connection with sovereign base areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia in Cyprus, became British Citizens on the 21st May 2002. People born in the Territories from that dat
e will be both BCs and BOTCs from birth.
邪惡熊仔 2019-1-8 01:19:27
又搵到依個 點計

British Dependent Territories Citizens who did not register as
British Nationals (Overseas)

Ethnic Chinese
Former ethnic Chinese Hong Kong Brit
ish Dependent Territories Citizens
(BDTCs) who did not register as BN(O)s ceased to hold British nationality on
1 July 1997 and became Chinese nationals. An applicant who was a former
BDTC should be advised to contact the Chinese Embassy for information and an application form for a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passport.
想奶你個臥蠶 2019-1-8 01:25:58
邪惡熊仔 2019-1-8 01:26:55
舒麥加 2019-1-8 03:59:37 BDTC 封面會寫HONG KONG
慕尼黑力架 2019-1-8 08:09:12 呢本係CUKC定BC
真田丸 2019-1-8 09:07:16 係唔想你續姐
土木工程C 2019-1-8 09:45:49 好多人97前排晒隊幫自己嘅細路整bno


爾乃笹知江 2019-1-8 09:59:54 第一代嘅BNO

Home Office一定係當你First Passport咁處理
肥_仔 2019-1-8 10:07:24 其實大部份係根本冇變過
酸民治日鮮 2019-1-8 10:20:59 點睇都唔係BDTC啦,睇多次doc啦
az-687 2019-1-8 10:33:14 你都話個本係bno又點會冇呢?
