[本地足球] 2018/19 港超聯及香港隊討論區 (55)
我怕就怕巴基之星 2018-12-11 12:43:59 奇雲邦特準備入場未


大角咀古天樂 2018-12-11 12:44:18 住烏講幾句
古巨基 2018-12-11 12:44:29 教教下走左去已是死罪,唯一可幸短期內冇大賽
J_Guilavogui 2018-12-11 12:44:48 意興闌 珊
Bojan_Malisic 2018-12-11 12:44:50 此回覆已被刪除
Bojan_Malisic 2018-12-11 12:45:12 此回覆已被刪除
大衛屎忽鬼 2018-12-11 12:45:53 但友賽呢?好似三月就係國際賽期
牟世法王 2018-12-11 12:46:43 講個笑話

J.Spearing 2018-12-11 12:47:06 此回覆已被刪除
Bojan_Malisic 2018-12-11 12:47:09 此回覆已被刪除
大角咀古天樂 2018-12-11 12:47:12 對印度係一個好好嘅刷排名機會,宜家都唔知踢唔踢得成


吉高由里子 2018-12-11 12:48:17 呢鋪比班台仔笑到面都黃
Bojan_Malisic 2018-12-11 12:49:06 此回覆已被刪除
羅曉聰 2018-12-11 12:49:09

KL2 2018-12-11 12:49:29 BREAKING: Gary White resigns as head coach of the Hong Kong national team and takes up a club appointment in Japan. Although details have not been confirmed yet, it is most likely Gifu in J2. The rumours of a possible departure have been around since the EAFF tournament, but it was only made official today. Personal reasons might be involved in this decision as well, as it has been reported that White’s family currently resides in Japan. It is yet to see when the HKFA will restart the appointment process of a new head coach. The last search lasted for nearly 9 months.
O_Giroud 2018-12-11 12:49:31 有咩好講
最上靜香 2018-12-11 12:49:58 香港球圈迫走主教練真係世界第一
劉度 2018-12-11 12:50:05 關咩事,比班野狗咁搞,一有 offer 都走啦
比D掌聲自己 2018-12-11 12:50:40 揀J2都唔留港隊
大角咀古天樂 2018-12-11 12:50:48 你一路講緊嘅都係白
最上靜香 2018-12-11 12:50:49 Btw波總有冇解約費收?


土屋太鳳老公 2018-12-11 12:51:22 屌……
古巨基 2018-12-11 12:51:31 邊隊
傑志李毅凱(正選) 2018-12-11 12:51:36
KL2 2018-12-11 12:52:03 野狗發炮了