『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(27) 香港首本閃令令續領BNO天書上線啦
9394+689 2018-12-14 09:07:23 Miami 揮手


風喜鳥 2018-12-14 09:14:29 The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “British National (Overseas) Citizens should be given full British Citizenship.”.

Government responded:

There are no plans to amend the law in this respect.

The Immigration Act 1971 – which commenced on 1 January 1973 – established the principle of right of abode as being central to the ability to enter and live in the UK without restriction. From that time onwards, only a person who has a direct connection with the UK has the right of abode, and all others are subject to the Immigration Rules introduced under that Act. Although Hong Kong was still a colony in 1973, its inhabitants were not given the right of abode under the Immigration Act 1971 and, unless they had another tie – such as existing residence in the UK – they were subject to immigration control. Under the British Nationality Act 1981 persons from Hong Kong became British Dependent Territory citizens (BDTCs) but this did not affect their position regarding immigration status in the UK.

When Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China on 1 July 1997, it was no longer possible to retain or acquire BDTC by virtue of a connection with Hong Kong. However, in the ten years immediately prior to the handover persons who would otherwise be BDTCs were eligible to apply for British National (Overseas) BN(O) status. This does not give the holder the ability to reside in the UK – reflecting the position prior to 1997 – but it does give a person the ability to use a British travel document and to be afforded consular protection should they travel outside of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the People’s Republic of China.
風喜鳥 2018-12-14 09:15:02 Of the varying forms of British nationality, only British citizens and certain British subjects have the right of abode in the UK, reflecting the provisions of the British Nationality Act 1981. BN(O)s, being subject to immigration control, are not treated any differently in terms of the criteria to enter or reside in the UK.

Since the introduction of the British Nationality Act 1981, the only way that anyone can obtain the right of abode in the UK is by becoming a British citizen. Ministers do not have discretion to grant the right of abode outside of legislation, and there are no plans to amend the law to that effect.

In his 2007 Review of Citizenship, Lord Goldsmith recognised that to automatically give BNOs full British citizenship would be a breach of the commitments made between China and the UK in the 1984 Joint Declaration on the future of Hong Kong.

However, BNOs can be registered as British citizens in certain circumstances:
a) If a person lives in the UK for a period of five years, and meets the specified residence requirements, they can apply for registration under section 4(2) of the British Nationality Act 1981. Those applying under this section are not required to demonstrate the knowledge of English and knowledge of Life in the UK requirements.
b) The British Nationality Hong Kong Act 1997 also provides for the registration of British nationals who would otherwise be stateless and are ordinarily resident in Hong Kong.
c) BNOs can also apply for registration under section 4B of the 1981 Act if they do not have another citizenship or nationality.

Further information can be found on the GOV.UK website: https://www.gov.uk/apply-citizenship-british-nationality

Home Office

Click this link to view the response online:


The Petitions Committee will take a look at this petition and its response. They can press the government for action and gather evidence. If this petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the Committee will consider it for a debate.

The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee: https://petition.parliament.uk/help#petitions-committee

The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament
風晴樣日 2018-12-14 09:16:05 我好想要呀!
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-12-14 09:21:52 吓? 點樣幾條友一張海關紙呀
成田一個個check袋 同班機個個check喎
前面香港人樣 特衰 開喼望晒黎check

係咪太多人拖金呀 仆街
浴缸裡的貓 2018-12-14 09:37:28 日本改咗可以一個family一張海關紙好耐


az-687 2018-12-14 09:40:26 年頭去東京gip同背囊都要開黎睇
抽象手工大師 2018-12-14 09:54:26 琴晚係櫃摷到老豆本bno 原來佢97續左

但我張form 老豆passport果度我填左bdtc
神鵰俠爵士 2018-12-14 10:01:52 係同家人去呀,關西入無check
Samleung1987 2018-12-14 10:21:00 難過cut 有線
Samleung1987 2018-12-14 10:24:22 慢慢走,勿亂跑~馬路如虎口~


Samleung1987 2018-12-14 10:26:49 我係掉番轉
Samleung1987 2018-12-14 10:29:45 台灣護照有分垃圾版同full version嘅

full version係指有台灣戶籍台灣身分證,即係男嘅要服役呢類真正國民

DLLMEAA 2018-12-14 10:32:45 琴晚轉dispatched,到依家仲未有email通知我係咪正常
Samleung1987 2018-12-14 10:34:39 freedom of movement 都唔係咁容易拎
az-687 2018-12-14 10:43:35 成日去旅行
az-687 2018-12-14 10:45:17 會有咩EMAIL通知你?
ON撚9 2018-12-14 10:45:49 得SMS
DLLMEAA 2018-12-14 10:49:38 唔係話會有tracking number畀我track份野去到邊?
az-687 2018-12-14 10:50:31 得SMS架咋....
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-12-14 10:52:55 真係唔知原來可以一張表格全家用



巴斯達光年 2018-12-14 11:01:45
一樹梨花壓海棠 2018-12-14 11:03:03 大家覺得對BNO黎講,英國脫歐係利好定利淡?
肥_仔 2018-12-14 11:03:20 immigration一人一張
罐頭麵包 2018-12-14 11:24:09 豬瘟腸呀