amd cpu&gpu 用家 交流 #5
無聊的漢子 2018-12-17 08:53:31 Royal ram 3200c14輕易係AMD平台上到3466c14

The answer is yes, of course, we did need the latest AMD AGESA Firmware update for the motherboard. We tested on the Crosshair VII Hero ASUS motherboard. After inserted all DIMMs, the motherboard immediately recognized the 3200 MHz frequency with CL14 timings, at a nice 1T command rate as well. So this merely was enabling XMP (or whatever it's called in your motherboard BIOS), and after your saved the setting and a reboot, our Ryzen 7 2700X booted absolutely stable into windows with these DIMMs installed.


3200 MHz (CL14)


3466 MHz CL14

Here is a surprise, value for money - 3466 MHz works by just enabling XMP 3200 and then change the DDR4 frequency towards 3466 MHz. Ironically this was not working on the Intel platform. That's really sweet.,15.html


無聊的漢子 2018-12-17 08:55:12
Royal ram 3200c14輕易係AMD平台上到3466c14

The answer is yes, of course, we did need the latest AMD AGESA Firmware update for the motherboard. We tested on the Crosshair VII Hero ASUS motherboard. After inserted all DIMMs, the motherboard immediately recognized the 3200 MHz frequency with CL14 timings, at a nice 1T command rate as well. So this merely was enabling XMP (or whatever it's called in your motherboard BIOS), and after your saved the setting and a reboot, our Ryzen 7 2700X booted absolutely stable into windows with these DIMMs installed.


3200 MHz (CL14)


3466 MHz CL14

Here is a surprise, value for money - 3466 MHz works by just enabling XMP 3200 and then change the DDR4 frequency towards 3466 MHz. Ironically this was not working on the Intel platform. That's really sweet.,15.html

Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 08:55:57 冇咩budget 可以上hynix c die都ok
c die超頻表現不錯
三上悠亞洲 2018-12-17 10:41:48 8 x2 定 16x 2先

無聊的漢子 2018-12-17 10:46:42
無聊的漢子 2018-12-17 10:50:35 8x2 開XMP3200 改freq做3466無加電壓
膠到甩碌 2018-12-17 12:04:47 降到2133都死
confrim係google drive問題
我是誰 2018-12-17 12:06:13 2200G
MSI B450M?
Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 12:12:34
Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 12:17:17 牌子有冇信仰?
無聊撚 2018-12-17 12:33:51 打機時不時都會定格沒有回應

又唔係full load緊都沒有回應,會係咩出錯多


我是誰 2018-12-17 12:34:56 唔想用asrock
Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 12:47:08
無聊撚 2018-12-17 12:58:16 2x % loading, 打機都會突然間沒有回應障game

又唔似係因為full load
硬件傳心師-堂精 2018-12-17 13:21:58 8*2算啦
Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 13:50:30 ram 調整左之後有冇跑下燒機軟件?
Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 13:51:04 msi b450m mortar
Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 13:53:26 同埋比埋gpu 型號(driver版本)打咩game crash 左
無聊撚 2018-12-17 13:53:54 AIDA嗎?

玩左玩ryzen master個壓力測試only
Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 13:54:37 ram燒20分鐘就pass
無聊撚 2018-12-17 13:57:34

打機轉佢個game mode 又好似無熄到核心


Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 13:58:42 不用轉game mode

果個mode 比x399平台用
無聊撚 2018-12-17 13:59:13
無聊撚 2018-12-17 14:25:00

Jacksjoke 2018-12-17 14:27:25 揾穩定度測試果個