LIHKG 有無咩搞笑美國劇好睇過the office?
祖高域 2018-12-4 11:57:57 呢度4套入面
春光乍洩. 2018-12-4 12:58:50
十五步 2018-12-4 13:28:41 重睇緊the office,Michael同Holly喺天台嗰幕好感人
汪哈美 2018-12-4 13:58:08 FRIENDS!!!
DLLMOL79 2018-12-4 22:45:00 電話用唔用到?之前用過vpn link去美國都係failed
春光乍洩. 2018-12-4 22:53:00 can
DLLMOL79 2018-12-4 23:49:54 謝 聖誕前磅水 聖誕節就又可以binge-watch the office


春光乍洩. 2018-12-4 23:55:34 michael: Christmas is cancelled
DLLMOL79 2018-12-5 00:01:39
春光乍洩. 2018-12-5 00:09:22
Izzy 2018-12-5 00:13:11 Modern Family!
水城奈緒 2018-12-5 00:15:29 Big Bang theory
2 Broke Girls
十五步 2018-12-5 05:49:03
春光乍洩. 2018-12-5 12:21:23 我都想要 fuck
KOPPY 2018-12-5 12:55:53 Parks and Recreation有d似女人主角版既the office
KOPPY 2018-12-5 12:57:57 Dinner Party 且 Scott tot呢兩集睇到好痛苦
去你的中國人 2018-12-5 12:59:12 cringe overlord


DLLMOL79 2018-12-5 13:08:53
春光乍洩. 2018-12-5 14:15:06 dinner果隻見到部DV機真係好撚好笑
michael仲要特登陰鳩jim扮要加班跟住唔洗加 等佢拒絕唔到dinner invite
春光乍洩. 2018-12-5 14:16:04 scott tot尷撚尬到屌
k457 2018-12-5 14:28:44 the office好笑起上黎真係笑到仆街
但水準比較飄忽 (由其事冇左Michael之後)

另一套經常比人拎黎比較既parks and recreation就成個series水準好平均 一路都幾好睇

兩套黎講the office我會比6~10分, p&r我會比8分

我覺得鐘意the office既人都會鐘意睇p&r