Red dead Online 集中討論區(2)
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-6 18:08:58 執屍有機率拎到treasure map但係我打過十個CAMP 都未拎到過一張


超級奢大奅 2018-12-6 18:10:35 打五個營有三張 加埋差唔多三百蚊
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-6 18:11:08 真, 非洲人...
萬事屋銀醬 2018-12-6 18:54:11 屌...我都係...
可遇不可求 路過就打下...
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-6 22:58:59 連任務都無得勁重玩 開完一次之後要等。。。
萬事屋銀醬 2018-12-7 00:08:48

萬事屋銀醬 2018-12-7 01:32:02 好似更新左?
萬事屋銀醬 2018-12-7 01:47:51 We want to thank the Red Dead community for playing and sending us tons of valuable feedback during the first full week of the Red Dead Online Beta’s availability. This feedback is crucial to help shape the game as we move forward.

Today we are starting to implement the first set of adjustments to the game including changes specifically geared towards creating a more balanced, fun and rewarding overall experience, across all modes and missions. These include:

Increasing the cash and gold payments across a number of different activities including Free Roam Missions, Free Roam Events, replays of A Land of Opportunities Missions, Showdown Series modes and more.
Reducing the prices of most weapons in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co Catalogue and Gunsmiths. For players that have already purchased weapons at the previous prices, we will automatically deposit the difference to player balances starting today - please look for an alert message the next time you log in to the Red Dead Online Beta to notify you of this change, refunds may take up until December 10th to reach all players.
Balancing the values of select pelts, skins and fish as well as horse reviver and pamphlets.
Of course our efforts to improve and balance the Red Dead Online Beta will continue. We are conscious of and still evaluating an assortment of further adjustments based on feedback from the community. We are currently working on fixes for some persistent bugs that are causing some players to be kicked from sessions, and we aim to have fixes for these live next week. We will also continue to review all the feedback and suggestions so please keep them coming to

As an added thank you for playing and helping us through the beta period, we're also awarding everyone that joined in to play the Red Dead Online Beta at any point through midnight PST today with a gift of RDO$250 and 15 Gold Bars. Gifts should start arriving today and will hit all eligible players by Friday, December 14th.

Once again, we want to thank everyone for playing the Red Dead Online Beta and sharing their experiences so far with us. There’s still lots more to come so please stay tuned!





紅色超大 2018-12-7 01:56:11 關於最後果點
-普羅米修斯- 2018-12-7 02:22:29 屌d魚少左錢
1Gor 2018-12-7 03:59:26 要轉去打任務賺錢了,之前釣魚都幾好搵


四萬哥 2018-12-7 08:33:58 好彩尋晚遲左買槍
而家四百幾買到一把 shotgun 同蘭卡
神樂月 2018-12-7 08:41:47 會退錢
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-7 08:57:26

正 退左錢
四萬哥 2018-12-7 08:58:22 有得即刻用嘛
紅色超大 2018-12-7 09:00:59 退錢要申請定入game就自動有?
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-7 09:08:06 冇開game
不快則慢 2018-12-7 09:11:20 更新得唔多
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-7 09:13:37 下星期會再更
紅色超大 2018-12-7 09:13:57 thx巴, 至少唔使好似隔離台76咁特登上網申請, 冇dl個app, 今晚入game改槍
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-7 09:17:40 social club網頁黎唔係app


艾斯霹靂古達 2018-12-7 09:56:39 我無退錢既
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-7 10:07:09 原來我都未退
黑到冇朋友 2018-12-7 10:07:34 from reddit

不快則慢 2018-12-7 10:17:23 我想快啲有多啲野玩