包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:15:25 sk the leaders of almost any successful organization and they'll tell you that their key employees are among their most valued assets.


包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:15:58 Unfortunately, many of them will leave. All too often, the reasons for their departure are avoidable.
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:16:09 Why?
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:16:29 1. Lack of a clear vision
2. The performance review fallacy
3. Tailoring talent to tasks
4. Letting work infringe on personal time
5. Only giving negative feedback
6. Lies
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:16:51 Top 5 Leadership Traits That CEOs Seek
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:17:01 Effective leadership is one of the single most important drivers behind performance. Successful companies employ skilled leaders in every key position. CEOs know this and are in constant search of people who embody great leadership qualities and character.
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:17:12 Good leaders are:
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:17:23 1. Effective problem-solvers
2. Results-driven
3. Supportive of others
4. Encouraging of ideas
5. Champions of change
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:17:38 How to Manage 5 Big Problems Facing Small Businesses
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:17:48 There's nothing quite like the excitement of owning your own business. But it also involves plenty of challenges you need to understand and be prepared to face. This article explores five of the major challenges facing business owners and suggestions for how to handle them.
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:18:03 1. Capital and Cash Flow
2. Failure to Plan
3. Not Getting Expert Advice
4. Time Management
5. Resistance to Change


包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:18:30 雖然已經12月,但呢幾日市區溫度都仲係25度左右。趁住最近開始有少少涼意,一齊行山感受吓啦!今次同大家介紹5條可以IG打卡影靚相嘅路線!
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:18:46 Is it time for you to update your profile picture?
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:18:56 Here's something we think you'll like — a city that marries a stunning modern skyline with incredible beaches and endless desert sands. Ready to make the most of Dubai?
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:19:24 旅遊已成為了人們生活中不可以缺少的部份,而要感受非一般的旅遊體驗可選擇接近真正的大自然。
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:19:42 One of the hottest trends around right now is the duotone photo effect – this contrast effect transforms your photo by setting a colour scheme of just two colours, adding edgy richness to photos and illustrations. Make edgy artwork and powerful portraits in under a minute with this tutorial.
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:20:00 學師傅話齋☯️:命格決定命運


想知道寒命❄️ /熱命🔥嘅你今個冬天去邊玩好?

包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:20:16 戀戀冬日,冬季京阪散策!


包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:20:27 冬日,與你相約首爾




包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:20:38 冬天梗係要去泰國海島chill 一chill 啦~



包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:20:50 上天下海,坐熱氣球、滑浪、跳傘!




包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:21:16 【扮靚靚去旅行💃】所謂🙂開心買衫,🙁唔開心都買衫!
包法利夫人 2018-12-9 00:30:18 生仔真係好過生女
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

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