尹光頭仔 2019-1-9 23:50:39 M50個crop 4k基本上唔會用 M6其他表現同M50冇咩分別 三轉盤 男仔手大又好揸過M50

最緊要係咩呀 平呀


六月九日 2019-1-10 00:14:15 好似差唔多價錢
香港毒撚 2019-1-10 01:07:21 其實冇EVF好天既時候係咪真係好大影響
六月九日 2019-1-10 01:12:40 其實一般影相冇乜特別影響
最多都係猛太陽啊 夜拍定啲啊
香港毒撚 2019-1-10 01:14:33 咁新手第一部機係咪揀有evf好d
六月九日 2019-1-10 01:16:20 我覺得有會好過冇
尹光頭仔 2019-1-10 01:18:30 無反lv得啦
佳松富 2019-1-10 09:09:50 Imaging Resource sat down with Canon executives to discuss the future of the EOS R system and RF lenses. There is a lot of great hints in the interview about what we can expect from Canon in the future for the system.

A few points worth noting from our perspective.

The EOS R and RF mount system have been designed to be around for the next 30 years, just like the EOS and EF mount have been. Canon will continue to develop DSLRs, as sales have remained strong for those cameras.

We developed the EOS R System for the next 30 years, and started by introducing higher-end RF lenses. Yes, we are very serious about mirrorless. But please do not get the wrong impression, we will continue to enhance DSLR technology and products as well. We will work hard on both DSLR and mirrorless technologies and will wait to hear what customers say about each. Regarding the EOS R series, we are considering multiple models including a pro-level model, although I cannot comment on the time frame at this point.
While the immediate future is going to focus on the EOS R system, which obviously needs to play catch-up in some regard, Canon is fully committed to the system.

Canon was late to the 4K party, but don’t expect that to be the case with 8K capable cameras, as they already have an 8K capable EOS R camera on their roadmap, which would suggest it’s already in development.

Video will play a huge role in the EOS R System for sure. For example, an 8K video capable camera is already in our EOS R-series roadmap
We’re trying to confirm the 2019 roadmap before we say too much, and we should be able to get that done shortly. The CP+ show in Japan begins on February 28, 2019, and it’s usually a major show for Canon. We expect a lot of EOS R related products to be announced prior to that show.

We wouldn’t be surprised to see Canon address the future of the EOS Rs video capabilities at NAB in April.

聽住先 等埋呢部先 做好video sampling 唔crop 加埋防震 就fit晒 大勢都係RF

佳松富 2019-1-10 09:11:00 From rumor 但中間果段係訪問問翻黎
WUYAN 2019-1-10 09:16:04 等 幾大都等埋 依家對手nikon追加眼控對焦落z6/z7,競爭越來越激烈
無無謂謂 2019-1-10 09:39:56 2月announce 完,都應該等半年以上先有野見街,睇eosr 已經知條生產線其實做唔切,只係marketing 行先去霸地盤

而家都未知佢會追pro 定counsumer market 先,行pro 條line, 通常都回響多但買既少,而且有a9喺度,好難打

行consumer 方向,以牙膏廠性格只會閹部eosr 黎出部平機,隨時見到spec 已經唔開胃



佳松富 2019-1-10 09:55:11 之前訪問都透露左 五軸過熱問題做唔到 相信下次ok
無無謂謂 2019-1-10 10:24:18 加五軸,埋兩萬二,你又入唔入丫
佳松富 2019-1-10 10:27:09 有120fps 同 4k冇crop 同埋sampling 正常 買

無無謂謂 2019-1-10 10:39:32 實做到,一係四年後,一係賣三皮

佢出pro 機,應該睇住a9個價黎打,開賣我估要四皮
六月九日 2019-1-10 11:47:43 on roadmap


NCRarcadia 2019-1-10 14:48:00 有pro R一定入
無無謂謂 2019-1-10 14:58:56 我budget 預兩皮,可能預二代eosr 好過pro 果部
NCRarcadia 2019-1-10 15:41:54 工作用冇計
無無謂謂 2019-1-10 15:47:05 工作用。。。要等多啲人review 完先敢試
香港毒撚 2019-1-10 20:42:13 肥花m50唔拆kit賣


六月九日 2019-1-10 23:16:32 問左二手佬先
香港毒撚 2019-1-11 01:21:28 鏡頭protecter大家會去邊買
淘寶果d o唔ok 新手唔係好識
尹光頭仔 2019-1-11 01:42:20 啫係咩?uv filter定遮光罩?
香港毒撚 2019-1-11 01:53:44 Filter