2018 JRE
奔奔奔 2018-12-10 20:55:53 咩email定信, 改唔改得時間個d, 爬上年post好過等人答啦


Agonna 2018-12-10 21:34:37 覺得你答得最中肯
『屎』路比 2018-12-10 21:34:38 此回覆已被刪除
香西公主 2018-12-10 22:19:16 Thanks 巴打
Uncertainty 2019-1-14 11:22:43 推一下
屌你條撚 2019-1-14 12:02:48 通常2月
Uncertainty 2019-1-18 07:56:51 出結果時候,大家最好講明for邊個post(EO/AO/ATO)
辣屁屁修煉日 2019-1-18 18:16:35 今日收到電話叫我交disability prove. 係未代表有機會
Oliver吉魯 2019-1-18 19:59:54 念多左
Nashville 2019-1-18 20:02:16 It is the Government's policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements (including passing the JRE to be held on 8 December 2018), he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview without being subject to further shortlisting.
1234567多勞多得 2019-1-18 20:02:55 應該未係喎,上年早過今年一個禮拜考就2月頭開始有人收到email,我諗今年都係2月頭至中


三號紅茶 2019-1-18 22:05:21 真定假呀師兄😂
小豬懶擦鞋 2019-1-18 22:07:47 without being subject to further shortlisting
性工作細胞 2019-1-18 22:56:07 個電郵名係點架?
Uncertainty 2019-1-19 14:27:59 即係點?
1234567多勞多得 2019-1-19 16:40:19
Uncertainty 2019-1-23 14:42:30 Anymore update?
固姑故姑固 2019-1-23 15:12:01 此回覆已被刪除
Zucchini 2019-1-23 15:24:40 隔離 post 有人收到 interview invitation
固姑故姑固 2019-1-23 15:27:35 此回覆已被刪除
固姑故姑固 2019-1-23 15:29:56 此回覆已被刪除


Zucchini 2019-1-23 15:30:01 係勁緊張
michelle 2019-1-23 19:41:05 邊個po?
1234567多勞多得 2019-1-23 19:49:55 Fake架
Uncertainty 2019-1-23 21:04:08 我諗要過埋年初十之後先有消息