I BEAT YOU (140)
Coulson 2018-12-4 19:35:45 屌你



DTEC(Hydra) 2018-12-4 19:57:46 番生而不被戲院觀眾發現既能力
Damian_W 2018-12-4 19:58:33
Coulson 2018-12-4 20:06:40 有得再上大螢幕已經J出血
M.Reus11 2018-12-4 21:10:53

毀屍函 2018-12-4 21:17:42 The latest Captain Marvel dropped earlier tonight and sent shockwaves around the internet. As the two-minute, eighteen-second wrapped up, fans were quick to notice that one fan-favorite character was missing entirely. After initially appearing in the first teaser with a fresh new hairdo, SHIELD agent Phil Coulson was entirely absent from this full-length trailer.

Suffice to say, fans in the Twittersphere are upset. After appearing in a few Phase One movies, Clark Gregg moved on to start in ABC's Agents of SHIELD. While Earth's Mightiest Heroes are still under the assumption that Coulson is dead because of the events of The Avengers, the character's able to appear in this movie because it's set in the mid-1990s as Coulson just starting out at SHIELD.
Coulson 2018-12-4 21:27:38

有fans同路, 好感動
夢不拾遺 2018-12-4 21:42:34

候斯頓之戀 2018-12-4 22:06:15 Skrull有無得變貓
堅持就是勝利 2018-12-4 22:08:34 好想知點解釋mcu十年黎發生咁多事佢都袖手旁觀

屈機到咁 每次大事件佢一出應該十秒內ko

阿唯 2018-12-4 22:11:57 唔得閒


底已被起 2018-12-4 22:16:05 可能call左要一年半載先黎到?
堅持就是勝利 2018-12-4 22:19:29 咁就仆街啦
毀屍函 2018-12-4 22:24:42 所以A4等左5年先到?
Damian_W 2018-12-4 22:25:17 https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/air-jordan-1-origin-story-release-date-price-info/
堅持就是勝利 2018-12-4 22:27:05 未化灰嘅avg:
夢不拾遺 2018-12-4 22:27:54 Rich
az-687 2018-12-4 22:42:56 好似麻麻
Damian_W 2018-12-4 22:44:08 頹著ok啦
夢不拾遺 2018-12-4 22:50:57
轉帳比自己 2018-12-4 22:58:33 原來係貓奴


稻葉熊仔糖 2018-12-4 23:21:27 第一次見面已經俾主子拍開隻手
DTEC(Hydra) 2018-12-5 00:03:54 https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/a30byn/captain_marvel_is_disney_princess/?st=JP9XNS1L&sh=f4b1e13c

She is a princess!
翼鋒李威廉 2018-12-5 00:14:10 d人成日話選角唔好,但有無諗過現實美國女軍人係唔會有model身材...
月形池 2018-12-5 00:29:29 好似因為布殊個葬禮 A4條崔那推遲出