【愛蛇今晚輕鬆食士15不敗好波】阿仙奴18-19球迷吹水區 DCCCXI
A_Milik 2018-11-8 22:35:37 使唔使玩咁大


子普 2018-11-8 22:35:47
最愛瞓晏覺 2018-11-8 22:36:13
羅賓雲佩斯 2018-11-8 22:36:47
徐青藤 2018-11-8 22:37:33 係車恰著左,返到上黎去到咁盡

張柏斯托尼 2018-11-8 22:37:35
羅賓雲佩斯 2018-11-8 22:38:41 你一時唔偷雞學人做保長
我打Erina 2018-11-8 22:40:34 右邊男仔附近有個ok
徐青藤 2018-11-8 22:40:41 我淨係玩域子姐

零四多好 2018-11-8 22:40:42 今晚77唔知有無直播?
張柏斯托尼 2018-11-8 22:41:59


加藤美南 2018-11-8 22:45:10 合格有突啦,琴晚tap in差啲接應到,回後又逼到波
羅賓雲佩斯 2018-11-8 22:45:17 自己入條link睇下啦
羅賓雲佩斯 2018-11-8 22:45:40 最廢其實係渣古
O_Giroud 2018-11-8 22:47:08 其實全部都唔係佢

A_Milik 2018-11-8 22:48:40 佢見到有冇自己啦,係無嘅點會驚
子普 2018-11-8 22:50:07 個個都靚仔過我
波蘿包 2018-11-8 22:52:25 此回覆已被刪除
神射手查馬克 2018-11-8 22:52:30 Carbon tetrachloride is one of several man-made gases that contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer high in the atmosphere. Because of this, restrictions were introduced on the use of this gas under the Montreal Protocol. Concentrations of the gas in the atmosphere should be going down at a rapid rate. But they're not, and a team of atmospheric scientists has been sniffing around to work out where the new sources of carbon tetrachloride are coming from and it’s China.

what a surprise
A_Milik 2018-11-8 22:53:47 No chinese dllm
神射手查馬克 2018-11-8 22:54:50 大陸子咩事


A.Griezmann 2018-11-8 22:55:04 CCl4本身有咩用
施雲奴覓腸 2018-11-8 22:55:22 此回覆已被刪除
神射手查馬克 2018-11-8 22:55:49 除左第2隻字有邊隻難解牙
A_Milik 2018-11-8 22:56:55 第三隻字