AC米蘭 2018-11-9 12:18:59 此回覆已被刪除


AC米蘭 2018-11-9 12:22:09 此回覆已被刪除
六八九 2018-11-9 12:23:00 係時候連輸啦
JackBlack 2018-11-9 12:37:34 屌仔係契仔,挽留
AC米蘭 2018-11-9 12:45:18 此回覆已被刪除
#8 2018-11-9 13:10:33 有無人知梅沙點
驚醒夢中人 2018-11-9 13:16:32 Cutrone left the stadium limping due to pain in his left ankle, the same ankle that he had suffered an injury in during Italy’s U21 match a month ago. Patrick will be evaluated tomorrow at Milanello. [MN]
查漢奴古 2018-11-9 13:22:34 睇精華梅沙個下真係...
羅馬落嚟 2018-11-9 13:26:01 已買讓客
R籮卡卡 2018-11-9 13:26:09 斜恩好似出得
不過打雙前鋒夾波叔, 姐係玩佢姐
大可仔 2018-11-9 13:28:27 本來人腳都唔夠蛆黎 仲要傷鳩曬 出事啦


石破熊河飯 2018-11-9 13:32:45 發達時間到
羅馬落嚟 2018-11-9 13:33:27 出451死守la
火木藍 2018-11-9 13:35:43 傷兵滿營輸波有理 又唔炒得
石破熊河飯 2018-11-9 13:38:29 最後排名第7終於有理由
R籮卡卡 2018-11-9 13:42:26 名正言順場場波叔
R籮卡卡 2018-11-9 14:11:04 干地同西女人死過
石破熊河飯 2018-11-9 14:18:54 死唔死過都唔關我地事啦親
六八九 2018-11-9 14:34:29
sad but
石破熊河飯 2018-11-9 14:36:43 有皇馬唔教教我地,貪我地「前豪門」咩
霸氣外露 2018-11-9 14:41:56 希望受傷球員早日康復啦


堀北真希2 2018-11-9 14:44:02 原來而家車仔仲出緊糧俾佢
R籮卡卡 2018-11-9 15:45:10 Lucas Biglia has undergone surgery successfully. Milan's regista will fully recover in 4 months

The injury, suffered by Lucas Biglia last Wednesday during the morning training session, involved the lesion of the myotendinous junction (MTJ) of the medial segment of the right calf that required surgery. The operation, carried out today in Finland by Professor Sakari Orava in the presence of the Team’s doctor, Stefano Mazzoni, was successful. Full healing will take four months.
Cest_la_vie 2018-11-9 15:52:56 隊草加藥膏
羅馬落嚟 2018-11-9 16:01:59 差不多收咧
