[BNO] BNO平權運動簽署!關心BNO既全部入黎
而我不知道我 2018-11-5 11:31:28 去入境搵投票法?
我係第三次Copy 下面段野

Who is eligible to vote at a UK general election?
To vote at the UK general election you must be registered to vote and:

18 years of age or over on polling day
be a British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen
be resident at an address in the UK (or a UK citizen living abroad who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years)
not be legally excluded from voting



Register to vote: qualifying foreign citizens
To qualify, Commonwealth citizens must be resident in the UK and either have leave to remain in the UK or not require such leave. Commonwealth citizens include those of British Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories.......

Hong Kong - Only former residents of Hong Kong who hold a British Dependent Territories, British nationals (Overseas) or British Overseas passport qualify for registration.



谷行條野 2018-11-5 12:13:22 此回覆已被刪除
馬化騰 2018-11-5 22:19:32 push
小拳石 2018-11-5 22:59:39 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46092838
Armed forces: Recruits don't need to have lived in Britain
【突發】以前只有特定既post 唔洗residency requirement, 依家所有post 都唔洗係英國住滿3年, 只要你有英國國籍就得。 BNO 想過去既要留意下。
谷行條野 2018-11-6 00:24:14 此回覆已被刪除
谷行條野 2018-11-6 00:24:53 此回覆已被刪除
成日打飛機 2018-11-6 00:37:26 RAF website 仲未轉
七頭攬人賽 2018-11-6 05:09:40
毒拎隱士 2018-11-6 08:10:42 Monday, November 05, 2018 Location Time Piece
2 Returned to shipper LONDON-HEATHROW - UK 21:11

毒拎隱士 2018-11-6 08:39:06 錯post
馬化騰 2018-11-6 20:11:57


里中晴 2018-11-7 07:36:26
八支八支半 2018-11-7 07:40:50 拎本bno就以為自己英國人呀?

里中晴 2018-11-8 16:14:07
美圖獸獸 2018-11-9 01:48:17
Genzo 2018-11-9 01:49:14 留名
驫麤䨻䲜龘厵灥譶 2018-11-9 01:54:14 此回覆已被刪除
熊仔熊仔仔 2018-11-9 02:08:09 其實佢知唔知唔係所有英國人都係金髮藍眼
馬化騰 2018-11-9 23:28:07
里中晴 2018-11-10 01:55:34
小拳石 2018-11-10 17:35:59 7000已破,繼續努力;)


Zannanza 2018-11-10 17:47:24 此回覆已被刪除
驫麤䨻䲜龘厵灥譶 2018-11-10 18:04:07 此回覆已被刪除
七頭攬人賽 2018-11-11 13:11:02
你夠膽就大聲笑 2018-11-12 16:48:49