[BNO] BNO平權運動簽署!關心BNO既全部入黎
カネキ 2018-11-4 12:10:06


劍藝術線上 2018-11-4 13:32:35 首先要攪清楚
谷行條野 2018-11-4 15:40:53 此回覆已被刪除
Jhm_l 2018-11-4 17:25:21 此回覆已被刪除
Jhm_l 2018-11-4 17:45:10 此回覆已被刪除
叫我聞西 2018-11-4 18:07:08 你講緊係2樣野

BNO 只係有 visitor 呢個 status
如果已經有residency 仲駛平權咩
叫我聞西 2018-11-4 18:07:40 我諗BNO holders 唔想去理解
叫我聞西 2018-11-4 18:18:36 其實你地有無睇清楚D terms and conditions ?


Following its transfer to Chinese sovereignty on 1 July 1997, Hong Kong was deleted from the list of British Overseas Territories. As a result, former residents of Hong Kong are not qualifying Commonwealth citizens by virtue of their residency in Hong Kong as Hong Kong Chinese is no longer a nationality.

叫我聞西 2018-11-4 18:25:56 member of parliament = MP

不過同你一樣 都係搵唔到任何BNO 野
叫我聞西 2018-11-4 18:50:43 邊撚度有寫住夠半年有投票權?
人地淨係話你有權stay 係英國as a visitor 半年。
Those who live in the country also have the right to join the civil service, British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, as well as vote or stand for election in their constituency of residence.
淨係話你有權 如果你住UK 嘅話

4. And what does it not give me?
The big one is British citizenship. Not being a citizen means you don’t have the right of abode in the UK, meaning you need a visa to stay. It also means the BN(O) does not give you the right to work in the UK or the European Union. It also does not provide British consular protection in Hong Kong. Since 1997, the matter of nationality in Hong Kong has fallen under the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China. However, there have been cases where the British consulate has stepped in to help BN(O) holders outside Hong Kong.

你睇呢篇野 都係SCMP 搵,你都係上番uk immigration 搵啦
膠占遠足 2018-11-4 19:40:40 British Nationals (Overseas) citizens, British Overseas citizens and British Dependent Territories citizens are all Commonwealth citizens and are entitled to register as electors in respect of all elections, provided that they also fulfil the age and residence requirements for such registration and are not subject to any other legal incapacity. 


膠占遠足 2018-11-4 19:46:25 上面講緊 by virtue of their residency in Hong Kong. 即係話任何人唔可以憑住係香港而成為英聯邦公民…因為香港人除非97 前登記為 BNO外…我地英國屬土公民資格因 Hong Kong Act 1985 香港由 97 7 月1 日起唔再係英國屬土而取消…BNO 由於英籍所以係英聯邦公民
刀下留𨶙 2018-11-4 19:47:55 幾時截止
谷行條野 2018-11-4 20:24:58 此回覆已被刪除
谷行條野 2018-11-4 20:28:11 此回覆已被刪除
Jhm_l 2018-11-4 21:11:24 此回覆已被刪除
谷行條野 2018-11-4 22:18:01 此回覆已被刪除
Jhm_l 2018-11-4 23:10:11 此回覆已被刪除
谷行條野 2018-11-4 23:20:02 此回覆已被刪除
Jhm_l 2018-11-4 23:46:02 此回覆已被刪除
Jhm_l 2018-11-4 23:48:40 此回覆已被刪除


谷行條野 2018-11-5 00:00:25 此回覆已被刪除
廿三座大王 2018-11-5 00:00:40 Signed,6582 ppl signed
谷行條野 2018-11-5 00:00:54 此回覆已被刪除
谷行條野 2018-11-5 00:06:44 此回覆已被刪除