[BNO] BNO平權運動簽署!關心BNO既全部入黎
叫我聞西 2018-11-2 02:34:19 其實平權就真係無咩可能
假如放得一個BNO 入 即係仲有300萬個都會入。。
而家英國你估好好景? 上一轉歐洲乞兒入晒黎拎著數已經元氣大傷
我同D 濕鳩西班牙人葡萄牙人傾。。
有D人 要求council 俾埋租,你估英撚會唔會再咁ON9 多次?
所以 Theresa May 收緊移民政策係好合理

除非你班BNO 用家每人捧幾百個入黎 仲要限制唔俾番工 好似泰國咁

可以繼續用BNO 當旅遊証件啦


而我不知道我 2018-11-2 08:03:41 索馬里喎?出售軍火?

谷行條野 2018-11-2 08:09:25 此回覆已被刪除
齋扑飛鳥 2018-11-2 08:29:21 過多30-40年等三百萬個BNO holder死剩千零萬個就有機
Windstop 2018-11-2 13:24:57 所以呢,俾人當港蝗,係有樣睇,有原因嘅

叫我聞西 2018-11-2 16:49:47 sor 都唔會有
老弱殘 收黎做咩
叫我聞西 2018-11-2 16:53:41

如果你肯輕輕力click 一click 上面條link
再用少少時間睇睇 就知住半年有投票權係童話故事
而我不知道我 2018-11-3 07:33:30 Who is eligible to vote at a UK general election?
To vote at the UK general election you must be registered to vote and:

18 years of age or over on polling day
be a British, Irish or qualifying Commonwealth citizen
be resident at an address in the UK (or a UK citizen living abroad who has been registered to vote in the UK in the last 15 years)
not be legally excluded from voting
The following cannot vote in a UK Parliament election:

members of the House of Lords
EU citizens (other than UK, Republic of Ireland, Cyprus and Malta) resident in the UK
anyone other than British, Irish and qualifying Commonwealth citizens
convicted persons detained in pursuance of their sentences, excluding contempt of court (though remand prisoners, unconvicted prisoners and civil prisoners can vote if they are on the electoral register)
anyone found guilty within the previous five years of corrupt or illegal practices in connection with an election
而我不知道我 2018-11-3 07:35:45 3. What rights does a BN(O) passport give me?

Both BN(O) and HKSAR passport holders have the right to stay in Britain for six months as a visitor, but only the latter are required to register with the police, for a fee of £34 (HK$350). BN(O) holders have the right to get married under British law, which includes same-sex couples under the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. Those who live in the country also have the right to join the civil service, British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, as well as vote or stand for election in their constituency of residence.

膠占遠足 2018-11-3 12:09:58 BNO 本身咪就係有 status of Commonwealth Citizens
只要你係 resident of the UK 就有投票權
谷行條野 2018-11-3 16:03:53 此回覆已被刪除


谷行條野 2018-11-3 16:04:47 此回覆已被刪除
谷行條野 2018-11-3 16:05:10 此回覆已被刪除
騙子 2018-11-3 16:40:46 好快,有幾百萬人就黎會簽
谷行條野 2018-11-3 16:45:45 此回覆已被刪除
里中晴 2018-11-3 22:51:19
halohau 2018-11-3 23:07:54 Push
2018-11-3 23:12:26
50cents 2018-11-4 00:02:12 本身已經係BC了
小拳石 2018-11-4 05:12:35 無錯, 所以係英國留學、工作、WH既英國海外國民記住要登記做選民 :)
小拳石 2018-11-4 05:17:21

BNO唔係孤身力弱架,MP Jacob Rees-Mogg 亦都係度推緊post 幫我地。


而我不知道我 2018-11-4 07:47:15 柒左 -> 已經唔重要


唔係屈你五毛﹐但你個mind set 同 failed 50 cents 係一樣
七頭攬人賽 2018-11-4 11:09:13
谷行條野 2018-11-4 11:29:54 此回覆已被刪除
谷行條野 2018-11-4 11:51:18 此回覆已被刪除