LIHKG 香港外流球員討論區(11)
Dummett 2018-10-27 16:49:39 亞泰慣犯嚟


章子厚🕊 2018-10-27 17:03:02 0-2
章子厚🕊 2018-10-27 17:24:06 1-2
幾交戲 開始扮打交
章子厚🕊 2018-10-27 17:27:32
➒安杜美斯 2018-10-27 19:53:00 袓爾真身
E.Lamela 2018-10-27 20:09:51 祖爾係卡臣
古巨基 2018-10-27 20:26:56 我講左啲乜
古巨基 2018-10-27 20:45:42 哦,睇左
➒安杜美斯 2018-10-27 22:16:56 chiasso hv link?
➒安杜美斯 2018-10-27 22:17:35 記錯 係聽晚先岩
古巨基 2018-10-27 22:21:03



古巨基 2018-10-27 22:34:43
祖樂比 2018-10-27 23:55:29 睇livescore
Brian Fok今晚有後備坐,但無份踢
古巨基 2018-10-28 00:00:10 咁都有負評
古巨基 2018-10-28 00:00:38 Very good, 穩定地入18人係出場第一步
E.Lamela 2018-10-28 00:04:54 你得罪咗愛天光力
➒安杜美斯 2018-10-28 00:20:02 都話贊B追住你負評
列斯奧 2018-10-28 01:56:53 準備入手BF波衫
古巨基 2018-10-28 12:17:43 No Vaduz for Chitchanok and Chuck
Season debut postponed for the two rossoblu players.
Chitchanok has been training for a long time with the team but, apart from being friendly, he turns out to be one of only three movement players in pink, along with Guerchadi and Tommy Chuck who has never played a single minute in the current season.
The Hong Kong offensive midfielder will also have to wait before he can defend the rossoblu colors. For him and Chitchanok, in fact, the summons for Vaduz should not arrive.
古巨基 2018-10-28 12:19:09 12號

The only doubt concerns the outside of midfield, with Malinowski ahead in the ballot with Belometti for a starting shirt.
➒安杜美斯 2018-10-28 12:20:50
No Vaduz for Chitchanok and Chuck
Season debut postponed for the two rossoblu players.
Chitchanok has been training for a long time with the team but, apart from being friendly, he turns out to be one of only three movement players in pink, along with Guerchadi and Tommy Chuck who has never played a single minute in the current season.
The Hong Kong offensive midfielder will also have to wait before he can defend the rossoblu colors. For him and Chitchanok, in fact, the summons for Vaduz should not arrive.



Rihwa 2018-10-28 12:32:48 2018中甲聯賽第29輪的一場比賽將在本週日進行,明天(10月28日)下午14點30分,青島黃海足球隊將坐鎮主場迎戰梅州客家足球隊。
Rihwa 2018-10-28 12:33:35 before he can defend rossoblu colors
Rihwa 2018-10-28 12:36:36

一陣2:30 pm 傑仔有比賽
鼠B 2018-10-28 12:37:21 此回覆已被刪除