Introduction to Stochastic Calculus & Application in Finance
為愛而生 2018-10-27 22:56:50 HKUST?


宇智波月巴 2018-10-27 23:01:53 遲啲有時間借黎睇先
宇智波月巴 2018-10-27 23:04:15 呢個concept真係好神奇
宇智波月巴 2018-10-27 23:05:26 馬料水
三日月夜空 2018-10-27 23:18:04 神帖lm
半田清舟 2018-10-27 23:33:49 留名
下個sem讀stochastic process
宇智波月巴 2018-10-27 23:45:57 Stochastic process同stochastic calculus係唔同

我呢個post其實冇點分析過stochastic process本身嘅property
而stochastic process本身已經有幾種
一開始你應該會學discrete time & discrete state space 嘅 discrete stoc. process
然後再generalize上去就係continuous time but discrete state space 嘅 continuous-time stoc. process
最後就係continuous time & continuous state space 嘅 continuous stoc. process

而我呢篇文其實只係用緊其中一個continuous stoc. process 亦都係當中最簡單嗰個
就係wiener process
S.Lev 2018-10-28 00:10:48 想做quant唔好番香港
半田清舟 2018-10-28 00:45:43 原來係咁

J痕叔叔 2018-10-28 01:14:26 可能係原proof
錦衣衞 2018-10-28 01:37:41 應該去邊好?巴打你做Quant?


錦衣衞 2018-10-28 02:03:30 It is very important NOT to confuse the proof for Feynman Kac formula in QFT as the “real” proof. As the two integrals in QFT and Stochastic Calculus are defined differently.
宇智波月巴 2018-10-28 02:07:20 都係嘅

如果夠位嘅話我section 3最尾會做一次martingale嗰個proof
不過應該會簡化少少嘢 唔會寫得太formal
宇智波月巴 2018-10-28 02:09:11 呢個真係長知識

錦衣衞 2018-10-28 02:24:24 No worries, many physicists and engineers make this mistake as well by treating the Wiener path integrals as stochastic integrals. I recently just saw a few engineers making this mistake in their paper when I was a referee for a journal.

Although numerically they are often the same, conceptually they are very different as stochastic integral is defined in a L2 sense. It is not possible to define it path by path as a Lebesgue Stieljes integral since the Brownian motion paths are of infinite variation almost surely.

Were you guys taught how to define stochastic integrals in your course?
宇智波月巴 2018-10-28 02:46:44 Yes but in a later stage. There is a separate course that really teaches us stochastic calculus formally, the 1st half of it is pretty much like a real analysis course, but for now we are only up to conditional expectation.

(Btw now you've mentioned Lebesgue Stieljes integral, I seem to understand why they are different

The content I'm using here actually came from another course, the nature of that course is kind of like "Application of stochastic calculus in Finance", so that's why it's a bit informal.

But I think it's already good enough to serve as the backbone of this post.
J痕叔叔 2018-10-28 13:34:29 所以我一直追問另一位巴打咩叫"真正"的proof...
tyuonb 2018-10-28 14:53:49 淨係random variable 個definition
對於non math major 既人真係幾難明
無學過d notation
薯餅 2018-10-28 14:59:37 Linear Algebra有咩好書介紹
宇智波月巴 2018-10-28 15:00:17 呢個真係我錯

錦衣衞 2018-10-28 17:33:12 No problem. It’s indeed very nice that you are giving a concise introduction to the applications of stochastic calculus in finance. I find them very helpful.

I am also trying to learn some mathematical finance as I will be looking for job very soon and don’t have any background in finance. I was reading a book called “The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance” by Mark Joshi. I have also heard the book by Wilmott is good.

And sorry I can’t tell you guys more about the Feynman path integrals as I’m not an expert in QFT. My knowledge of physics is rather limited, my undergrad major was pure maths and I did some physics only up to 3rd year undergrad. My current research focuses on stochastic differential equations that’s why I’m also thinking about working as a quant.


錦衣衞 2018-10-28 17:35:16 What course are you doing and where are you doing it?
醉愛乂碎少 2018-10-28 18:32:41 lm
左頌星 2018-10-28 21:59:52 以呢個唔太重視基本 mathematical analysis 既 undergrad program 黎講,樓主已經寫得好唔錯啦
S.Lev 2018-10-28 23:33:31 我唔係quant

簡單講下sell side quant既分類,概括都可分為front/middle/back office

fo quant主要都係幫trading desk開發model或者分析exotic deriv risk
middle to back就會做xva/valuation/model validation

fo quant香港機會始終唔太多,主要係鬼佬玩晒(唔少係法國人)。model validation既機會就好少少,銀行或者consultant都會請。但始終都係fo quant搵得多啲

你有冇phd,好多fo quant都係拎住個phd
