[耳機撚] 討論各大耳機店及耳機(71)
老伯鄧肯 2018-11-6 11:56:58 咁點解唔買一手zx300a 藍芽駁電話?


歧視集團 2018-11-6 11:58:14 如果本身隻耳機高音已好尖,換左會再尖d,齒音都會增加,細節會出d,低頻量感少左,但下潛深左又夠彈。另外可考慮 aet07,比較平均,可以收齒音。
Lionel_美斯 2018-11-6 12:03:33 多謝巴打好介紹

想問下07 同08 係咪都好大分別?
我用緊Sony 隻 M7
歧視集團 2018-11-6 12:27:31 淨係用過 07,未用過 08,覺得平均過 spinfit。我覺得 Spinfit 最明顯係高音強化左,睇你鍾唔鍾意,夾得唔好,d聲都會幾刺耳。
甲烷製造員 2018-11-6 12:58:58 我0708都有
冇你咁好氣 2018-11-6 13:03:25 07平均啲,聲場大啲;08中頻突出啲,聲場窄啲
入百達通一百 2018-11-6 13:10:22 我覺得算
轉埋個灣到 2018-11-6 13:15:11 聽女毒 2000左右 有無邊隻推薦
之前借咗個frd 隻 magaosi k5 都ok
伊藤理々杏 2018-11-6 14:44:22 LS200?
Preacher 2018-11-6 15:30:43 PP8新出個2隻就唔係neutral啦
Preacher 2018-11-6 15:32:17



做人咪太認真 2018-11-6 15:39:15

三少 2018-11-6 15:43:58 Full sound – without the bass + treble switch:
ProPhile 8L impresses with its linear sound signature, and ProPhile 8VS excels with a V-shape sound signature. The PP8 family will suit everyone's taste.

The burl wood housings give exclusiveness to the PP8L and PP8VS new models from the PP8 family.
凋零綠 2018-11-6 15:46:06 iPhone聽Spotify,梗係配條E2000算啦
做人咪太認真 2018-11-6 15:58:24
Preacher 2018-11-6 15:59:04 v-shaped 多左bass 人聲後左
另一隻應該偏人聲 好似係
副院長 2018-11-6 16:16:06 E4000
ほりみおな⁴⁶ 2018-11-6 16:26:34 final d 圈好難推特別係e4000 e5000 make 2 3 無dap 基本上唔好諗
長髮及腰 2018-11-6 16:42:29 用緊k3003 嚟緊諗住換黑磚

見佢好似改得幾靚不過要寄台灣 仲要好貴
草世木 2018-11-6 16:43:18 Headphones with V-shaped sound signature tend to have booming bass and sparkling treble, which makes for a more exciting listening experience. As a result, the audio seems “brighter” and the human brain finds this particularly pleasing. Among audio buffs, the V-shaped sound is also known as “fun sound”.

即係SD5 升級版
冇你咁好氣 2018-11-6 16:55:43 我依稀記得越改得少越保留原本調音


行路草搵草路行 2018-11-6 16:59:21 想問有冇巴打有用緊ue6pro
AuditDog 2018-11-6 17:44:57 有無巴打俾下意見
長髮及腰 2018-11-6 17:45:47 咁我係咪應該改4.4頭算
冇你咁好氣 2018-11-6 17:47:02 如果係我嘅話,一定要改就會只改頭,除非唔鍾意佢原本嘅聲