[睇原文學英文] 美擬取消香港政策法文件
RanceX 2018-10-11 23:04:26 見唔少人求source驗證事件真偽

都岩既 咁大件事 無理由信曬蘋果唔去搵primary source
一定睇得明(睇唔明都可以成段Google Translate)

原文(392頁): https://www.cecc.gov/publications/annual-reports/2018-annual-report
前幾年得10幾頁): https://www.cecc.gov/sites/chinacommission.house.gov/files/documents/2018AR_Executive%20Summary_0.pdf
港澳發展部分(11頁): https://www.cecc.gov/sites/chinacommission.house.gov/files/documents/2018AR_Hong%20Kong%20and%20Macau.pdf

呢份係中國人權報告 所以好長

有心既就開Summary個PDF 跟住Ctrl+F搜索Hong Kong 或者直接睇香港有關內容
立會DQ 高鐵一地兩檢 占中遺民政治檢控 Gphone 羅冠聰 桂民海 陳文敏 國師陳雲

應該出現既都有出現 唔應該有既 (例如人口販賣)都有提到




RanceX 2018-10-11 23:04:40 精彩摘要:
Hold Officials Accountable for Abuses.
The Administration should use the powers granted in Executive Order 13818 to hold accountable individuals complicit in ‘‘serious human rights abuse and corruption’’ in China and also use the list-based sanctions available in the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Global Magnitsky) (Public Law No. 114–328), the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6401 et seq.) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 2000 (Public Law No. 106–113) to levy financial sanctions or deny U.S. entry visas to Chinese officials complicit in torture and arbitrary detentions; severe religious freedom restrictions; and forced abortions, sterilizations, or human trafficking, including human trafficking for the purpose of organ removal.

Reiterate U.S. Interest in Hong Kong’s Autonomy.
The Administration should continue to issue annually the report outlined in Section 301 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law No. 102–383), subject to congressional directives, and provide clear assessments of the overall trajectory in Hong Kong, as understanding threats to the city’s autonomy and the rule of law are critical for appraising whether the special status granted to Hong Kong under U.S. law is warranted. Members of the Administration and Congress should express through public statements, official visits, and resolutions the important connection between a free press, a vibrant civil society, an independent judiciary, and expanded democratic governance in Hong Kong and the mutual interests shared by the United States and China in maintaining Hong Kong as a center of business and finance in Asia.
上帝要你滅亡 2018-10-11 23:09:20 真焦土
救護員(化學博士) 2018-10-11 23:15:27 林鄭成功爭取廢除香港關係法
我若為皇 2018-10-11 23:35:29 正, 呢代年青人要睇吓喇
磨練 2018-10-11 23:41:37
貓兩拳 2018-10-11 23:54:39
波多乃神奈 2018-10-11 23:55:11
霸道駒 2018-10-11 23:55:17 咁好既post冇人like?


地獄黑仔王 2018-10-11 23:55:49
西人教英文 2018-10-11 23:57:46 留名 聽朝睇


贏家 2018-10-12 00:01:47 人口販賣 即係話建興富士個班雞呀
小奇妙 2018-10-12 00:08:16
MarcusIch 2018-10-12 00:15:00
龍彈婦穴 2018-10-12 00:20:38
ひこうき雲 2018-10-12 00:23:29
你的明哲我的性事 2018-10-12 00:25:20 此回覆已被刪除
非基誘 2018-10-12 00:28:36 大英帝國出手打救香港未呀
Mina的心心眼 2018-10-12 00:30:29 請個菲/印傭黎
精銳綿羊 2018-10-12 00:30:41 原來林鄭係假膠 為嘅係迫人岀手
CharlieBrown 2018-10-12 00:32:57


加藤英正 2018-10-12 00:35:21 強貼留名
十八歲破石柱 2018-10-12 00:36:24 此回覆已被刪除
hihi.hk 2018-10-12 00:38:58 因為英文同埋要download pdf?
超級小嘿咻 2018-10-12 00:56:32 Deny US visa entries to Chinese officials