[親生仔]Google Pixel 討論區 (14)
赤司 2018-10-12 13:40:42 Ordering and Payment
By providing a credit card or other payment method accepted by Google, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to use the designated payment method, and you authorize us (or our third-party payment processor) to charge your payment method for the total amount of your order (including any applicable taxes and other charges detailed at checkout). If the payment method you provide cannot be verified, is invalid or is otherwise not acceptable, your order may be suspended or cancelled. You must resolve any problem we encounter in order to proceed with your order.

Google reserves the right to reject all or part of an order and may refuse to ship Devices to you for reasons such as: (a) if we detect suspicious or fraudulent activity (including unauthorized reseller activity) in violation of these Terms; (b) if you do not live in a country from which Devices may be purchased; or (c) if you order more than the permitted maximum number of Devices.


大愛港豬 2018-10-12 13:42:44
android 8 都已經支援
點會做唔到 好明顯係google 未搞姐
一直是一個人 2018-10-12 13:43:51 Pixel 3's selfie camera with 'Night Sight' low light mode enabled and without.



大愛港豬 2018-10-12 13:44:26 其實係
將notification bar 放係上邊
成個mon 都可以比app 用哂
好似op6咁hide 其實無問題
Code到直 2018-10-12 13:56:33 好誇張
阿㊣ 2018-10-12 14:32:32 精打細算的購物者以及對 Pixel 2 比較滿意的用戶都不用担心。有很多新功能不依賴於硬件的更新,也會出現在舊款 Pixel 系列上。這些功能包括 Call Screen、Night Sight、Playground(AR 貼紙)和 Digital Wellbeing。


就我而言,我現在對 Pixel 2 手機非常滿意,對於一個經常用前置攝像頭給多人拍照的用戶來說,這種超寬的自拍模式確實頗具吸引力。如果我使用的是第一代 Pixel 手機,我肯定會換成 Pixel 3,但是我的手機還很有生命力呢。


Pixel 2 系列仍然是有史以來最好的智能手機之一,並且現在還比以前更便宜了。即使使用的是上一代硬件——通常是智能手機購買者的最佳選擇——但知道穀歌不會放棄 Pixel 2 系列,你大可放心了。
阿㊣ 2018-10-12 14:36:49
蕉直相對 2018-10-12 14:37:11 pixel 3 xl個設計已經畀班鬼佬屌到仆街
蕉直相對 2018-10-12 14:43:24 睇片 full screen m字額會突出黎
譚仔三哥 2018-10-12 14:44:15 why
獅頭芒 2018-10-12 14:59:18 此回覆已被刪除


你講嘢我唔信 2018-10-12 15:10:11 見到你咁我放心啦,我扣咗數。
Glockenspiel 2018-10-12 15:10:40 google一日未出貨都好似會hold住你條數
我真係唔想知呀 2018-10-12 15:11:37 我想問有2仔咪送左50蚊 佢話要us resident先用得
你講嘢我唔信 2018-10-12 15:11:53 Not Yet Delivered 即係點?
大愛港豬 2018-10-12 15:18:06 扣咗數 代表佢有授權可以拎你筆錢
Google store 最後可以唔收你筆錢
艾維卡 2018-10-12 15:19:02 想問下us store買係咪都要俾稅?
卡斯柏 2018-10-12 15:19:38 佢係要你買咗pixel3,4-6禮拜先入落你google a/c,我就買機先,有咗50蚊,再買stand
我真係唔想知呀 2018-10-12 15:21:07 原來又係嗰啲store credit
Glockenspiel 2018-10-12 15:22:44 咪...咪照字面解釋
Glockenspiel 2018-10-12 15:23:41 btw 上年thanksgiving 送USD $100 Store credit


我真係唔想知呀 2018-10-12 15:25:45 我好似miss左 我係年頭先買2xl
你講嘢我唔信 2018-10-12 15:26:45 佢唔派貨我轉iPhone XS
你講嘢我唔信 2018-10-12 15:28:05 衰撚過Order in Progress 處女中
卡斐帕西飛 2018-10-12 15:40:20 岩岩拎左某位巴打部6P返黎幫佢換電,順便換埋部散熱膏


首先拎起塊底板,你會發現華為當年係有用散熱膏幫6P 粒S810做散熱 (LG 明知S808熱都唔落散熱膏





所以我加左塊係淘寶淘返黎既 15x15 0.3mm銅片係蓋板同cpu中間


