[Mac撚] 用家/買機集中討論(21) 十月event唔係走數呀嗎?
四架坦克 2018-10-24 16:38:22 (以我理解

RTX系列個type-C port只係俾virtual-link alt. mode行
佢連用type-C行DP alt. mode出display俾type-C mon都唔得
更加唔係一個用PCIe同底板相連既USB port

一個eGPU enclosure如果有type-C port多數係佢自己設計到有塊PCB / daughter card專做I/O,而因為已經用TB3連去腦而要有controller,所以某程度上係有理由俾TB其他protocol用
呢個暫時係TB3既一個sweetspot位,中高階既RAID / dock / eGPU enclosures可以好輕易加入間廠揀既I/O去bundle


Lkwan 2018-10-24 16:45:57 巴打睇得好深入

有隻傻西跌落水 2018-10-24 16:52:48 想問下呢岩岩買左部mbp 2018 15吋 512gb
鈦合金筆頭 2018-10-24 16:58:33 你係揀咗官方set好嗰隻一套upgrade?512gb+560x+2.6ghz 6core?定係手動改獨立零件upgrade上512gb+560x?
四架坦克 2018-10-24 16:58:41

用到TB3 alt mode行到既人應該有加張Alpine Ridge add-in card,用loop back方式由GPU出畫面之後入番去MB再TB3出...

同埋我亦見到有LG Ultrafine 5K既人話唔得,因為佢用MST / 自家hack去製造左右分mon,唔係直插TB3的話未有driver搞到(好似係)
有隻傻西跌落水 2018-10-24 16:59:32 官方set好個個啊
鈦合金筆頭 2018-10-24 17:01:43 用apple support app inbox蘋果先,斷估佢會叫你去check機,順手睇睇個盒上面有冇錯spec
Lkwan 2018-10-24 17:01:54 唔洗膽心,我都係,
有隻傻西跌落水 2018-10-24 17:05:45 oh

四架坦克 2018-10-24 17:53:26 出現了DLLMCH
四架坦克 2018-10-24 17:55:07 https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/apple-registers-several-new-mac-models-in-eurasia-ahead-of-october-30-event.2149508/


The Mac model numbers are A1347, A1418, A1419, A1481, A1862, A1993, A2115, A2116, A1466, A1534, A1708, A1932, A1989, A1990. Some of the numbers refer to existing models that are being updated in the registry to merely indicate they come with the latest macOS Mojave operating system, but four of the numbers currently don't have counterparts in Apple's Mac lineup. Some have also appeared in Eurasia filings earlier this year.

Apple is expected to to introduce a new entry-level 13-inch MacBook at its October 30 event in New York City. The more affordable Mac would serve as a replacement for the MacBook Air, and while details have been scant about the rumored machine, it could turn out to belong to the 12-inch MacBook family.

It's not known what the rumored 13-inch MacBook would be priced at, but the MacBook Air sells for $999, a price point Apple has thus far been unable to match with the 12-inch MacBook and the MacBook Pro.

The Mac mini, which has not been updated for more than 1,400 days, is also expected to be refreshed this month, for the first time since 2014. We don't know a lot about what to expect for the Mac mini update, but upgraded internals and faster processors are a dead cert.

Apple's iMac range is also due at least a refresh, with current models on sale having not been updated in the last 505 days. It's not inconceivable that Apple also plans to give its MacBook Pro lineup a processor bump.


陳柏宇(Jason) 2018-10-24 17:57:01 部2018 MacBook Pro 一打開個mon 成個畫面黑哂,TouchBar 又無反應 試過撳實開機制但個畫面變到最暗,想問係咩原因?
四架坦克 2018-10-24 17:58:54 https://9to5mac.com/2018/10/23/kuo-predicts-new-ipad-mini-5-airpower-launch-in-late-2018-or-early-2019-more/

Kuo predicts new iPad mini 5, AirPower launch in late 2018 or early 2019, more
We’re one week away from Apple’s big October 30th event, and reliable supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of TF International Securities has some newsworthy predictions. Kuo summarizes previous predictions including his belief that AirPower is still debuting soon based on supply chain sources. The analyst also predicts Apple will indeed produce a new iPad mini…

Two new USB-C equipped iPad Pro updates with better displays
A “new-design” Apple Pencil for the updated iPad Pro hardware
At least three new Macs including a “low-price” MacBook and updated Mac mini and iMac processors
張圖文 2018-10-24 18:04:52 巴打好激動
四架坦克 2018-10-24 18:07:11 因為近一兩個星期既風真係好似得iPad Pro咁撚大把,完全無Mac
陳柏宇(Jason) 2018-10-24 18:09:03 好似平時咁用,一打開個蓋成個mon唔著連TouchBar都唔著,撳實開機制個光亮度變到最暗
毒蟹座 2018-10-24 18:09:04 尋日經university ownership拎左機,macbook pro 13”,TB, 512gb。尋晚做左基本setting,今日用左一陣就無啦啦有下風扇好大聲,熄埋機。再開機都係咁,係咪壞左喇
四架坦克 2018-10-24 18:19:28 姐係你部機根本keep唔到好耐著,一陣就自己熄?
雷蛇苦主_可憐蟲 2018-10-24 18:19:53 此回覆已被刪除
張圖文 2018-10-24 18:23:53 Dell laptop,
鈦合金筆頭 2018-10-24 18:25:27 不要分得那麼細,都係windows


日本淫蛙薬品 2018-10-24 18:27:42 kabylake-R, 8gb ram (16 gb option), retina, 舊keyboard
四架坦克 2018-10-24 18:33:59 呢款都幾得意,基本上係將兩隻25"既2560x1440 mon痴埋一齊

四架坦克 2018-10-24 18:34:47 就咁簡單員工公廁機,無論薄laptop同細spec desktop Dell都做得ok的
毒蟹座 2018-10-24 18:34:55 頭先兩次都係用幾分鐘就咁,岩岩彈左個問題報告出黎,我揀左發送給apple,之後就熄左個視窗,有無得開返出黎睇
