[Mac撚] 用家/買機集中討論(21) 十月event唔係走數呀嗎?
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:27:50

MacBook Pro 產品線
13-inch MacBook Pro 無 Touch Bar (2017雙核機)
13-inch MacBook Pro 有 Touch Bar (2018新KB四核機)
15-inch MacBook Pro 有 Touch Bar (2018新KB六核機)

特點: Kaby Lake-G多core,USB-C(TB3),Touch Bar + Touch ID,DCI-P3闊色TrueTone retina mon,極速SSD,32GB RAM (15”)
弱點: 無MagSafe,無HDMI,無SD,最大鑊係無USB-A,垃圾Keyboard(2018款耐用度有改進)

13-inch MacBook Pro 2015 (已死)
15-inch MacBook Pro 2015 無獨顯 (已死)
15-inch MacBook Pro 2015 有獨顯 (已死)
特點: 仲有USB-A,HDMI,SD slot,MagSafe,厚travel KB,retina mon
弱點: 粒U好舊,獨顯更舊,mon只係sRGB,比較厚重


MacBook 產品線
12-inch MacBook (2017)
特點: 超輕薄,USB-C,retina mon
弱點: 得一個USB-C port,粒U只係Core M,垃圾Keyboard,無MagSafe,4k出mon只有30Hz
DON’T BUY,盛傳好快會update


MacBook Air 產品線
11-inch MacBook Air (已死)
13-inch MacBook Air (2017)
特點: 輕薄,厚travel KB,入門價位
弱點: 粒粒mon(非retina),整體spec非常舊
DON’T BUY,盛傳好快會update


iMac 產品線
21.5-inch iMac (2017)
21.5-inch iMac 4K (2017)
27-inch iMac 5K (2017)

特點: 一體機(慳位),Kaby Lake,USB-C(TB3),5K/4K DCI-P3闊色retina mon
弱點: 一體機(一鑊熟),大load時風扇嘈,CPU只得四核
DON’T BUY,盛傳好快會update


iMac Pro 產品線
27-inch iMac Pro (2018新機)
特點: 一體機(慳位),Xeon及workstation class部件,4xUSB-C(TB3),5K/4K DCI-P3闊色retina mon,雙低速風扇靜音
弱點: 一體機(一鑊熟),非常之貴,VEGA GPU與同級PC比較唔算勁


Mac mini 產品線
特點: 體積極細極慳位,「廉價」,齊port
弱點: 2014年後無update過,性價比超差,CPU只係雙核,RAM焊死
DON’T BUY,盛傳好快會update


Mac Pro 產品線
特點: Xeon,體積細(與同類PC比較),靜音(與同及PC比較),6xThunderbolt2 ports
弱點: 2013年後無update過,性價比超差,GPU與同級PC比非常弱,只有一個SSD slot
DON’T BUY,Apple已經公開暗示將會響2019年內出新modular Mac Pro


四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:28:24 官網Compare

官方教育價 (底配)

13-inch MacBook Air HK$7,088
12-inch retina MacBook HK$9,588
13-inch MacBook Pro 無 Touch Bar(2017) HK$9,588
13-inch MacBook Pro 有 Touch Bar(2018) HK$13,588
15-inch MacBook Pro 有 Touch Bar(2018) HK$17,788
21.5-inch iMac HK$8,088
21.5-inch iMac 4K HK$9,588
27-inch iMac 5K HK$13,088
27-inch iMac Pro HK$35,788

Geekbench Mac機跑分列表



FAQ 夠唔夠做

Q: 我讀______系,______夠唔夠做?
A: 問你個系d人收風最穩陣,呢度咩人答你都係老撚點

Q: 我主打剪片,______夠唔夠做?
A: 首先剪得嗰三幾條片唔好話自己剪片,呢個級數用途用最廢既MBA都可以應付到;真係有需要既人係專門做video/multimedia既學生或者搵食人仕,係講緊每日都會剪同rend片幾個鐘,咁先有需要考慮張顯要勁d;要有獨顯既MBP 15”同iMac 27”先似樣,或者打大佬用iMac Pro;;eGPU係一個新選擇,不過暫時支援仲未充足

Q: 我主打執相,______夠唔夠做?
A: 執相第一緊要個mon夠大夠闊色,第二緊要drive夠位放RAW,第三緊要有快SSD加速load library/cache,可以有好多要求,不過無一樣係好高,而且可以由外置mon外置HDD解決;要一體化要拎出街就MBP 15”加去1/2TB SSD囉,唔拎出街就iMac 5K最適合

Q: 我主打文書同打code,______夠唔夠做?
A: keyboard好緊要,建議落Apple Store親身試清楚,唔少人覺得2016以後MBP同rMB既butterfly KB同屎無分別,不過your mileage may vary;另外touch bar因為斬走左tactile ESC key同function keys,對某d shortcut/打code app/commandline會不便;留意2016/2017 MBP個KB已經有損壞問題,2018款先(疑似)解決

Q: 我主打VM,______夠唔夠做?
A: 買咩都好,唔可以少RAM,盡加plz如果唔係唔好番黎哭喪;MBP 15” 2018可以上32GB,iMac 5K 64GB,iMac Pro 128GB

Q: 我主打某game,______夠唔夠做?
A: 打機唔好用Mac係定律,不過唔高要求既game佢係run到ok高setting,要有獨顯既MBP 15”同iMac 27”或者iMac Pro先似樣,其他依靠Intel內顯既機只可以叫開到隻game見到野行咁囉;eGPU係一個新選擇,不過暫時支援仲未充足

Q: 我主打hea上網/Facebook/睇波/睇Youtube,______夠唔夠做?
A: 2006年Core2Duo小白MacBook都夠做,或者用你部電話夠
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:28:35 FAQ 選購篇

Q: MBP13"定15”好?
A: mon頗細 vs 算大;偏向輕薄 vs 偏向厚重;濕鳩內顯 vs OK獨顯;四核 vs 六核;少少貴 vs 好撚貴

Q: MBP2015 vs 2016 vs 2017 vs 2018?
A: 詳情響置頂post其實list清楚左,2015翻新機同keyboard唔西,USB-A健在,有無顯版,不過真係舊;2016/2017唔好考慮因為被2018取代左;2018有四核六核,32GB RAM同埋改善keyboard,係最新最潮不過最貴

Q: 12" rMB vs 11” MBA?
A: 終極太監 vs 陳年廢老,兩款都難建議

Q: 13" MBPnTB vs 13” MBA?
A: 半閹大監 vs 陳年廢老,兩款都難建議

Q: iPad Pro vs 12” rMB?
A: 想要touch mon,用筆寫野畫野,行iOS apps,用LTE就揀iPad Pro;一定要用full sized KB,要行desktop Mac apps,要有data management要插drive就用MacBook

Q: iMac 21.5” 好定 27”好?
A: 首先唔好考慮非4K嗰部21.5”,佢係俾學校/政府大手入既廉價公廁款黎;之後睇你有無土地問題,原則上27”係全面地勁過21.5”尤其個mon同塊顯,27”又可以加RAM,不過又唔係貴好多,所以擺得落的話建議27”優先;另外仲有個選擇係揀訂VESA版既iMac,咁就可以用mon臂唔用原裝個底座去慳位

Q: i5定i7定i9好?
A: performance上既分別響rend片,export相,compile之類(半)專業用途先顯著,如果你budget有限而唔肯定自己有無需要唔好升i7;有需要的話建議直上MBP 15”因為佢標配已經有六核i7,或者iMac 27”上四核7700k;留意12” MB / 13” MBPnTB / MBA / Mini就算升上i7都仲只係dual core,效能提升有限

Q: 有無Touch Bar其實分別大唔大?
A: 暫時Touch Bar既實用性仲成疑問,唔太多apps用到佢,有都多數係用cursor/keyboard可以做到既,佢只係多一個途徑去㩒;而且有部份app係仲依靠function keys同esc掣;不過個Touch ID係有用

Q: MBP nTB同TB版,Touch Bar以外既分別?
A: nTB掛名係MBP,其實規格上係正統13” MBA後繼機,佢特登同粒低用電既15w U令到續航力高過TB版,不過少左兩個Thunderbolt3 port同得一把風扇散熱差d;Touch Bar版粒U勁d不過用電快d,內顯勁d,總電量少d,不過有齊4個TB3 ports,有兩把風扇,同最緊要係有四核U;TB輕薄程度同nTB幾乎一樣

Q: 買MacBook / MacBook Pro / MacBook Air / 21.5” iMac / Mac Mini應該幾時加RAM?
A: 上面全部款既RAM都係焊死,姐係你要買時即時決定要幾多RAM,完全唔可以事後加 (iMac 21.5”係插槽RAM可以事後加,不過要撬開mon玻璃再痴番埋)

Q: 咁幾多RAM夠? 8GB夠唔夠做,我駛唔駛加?
A: 定律: 當你需要問呢個問題,就姐係你用途上有可能有需要用,而因為唔可以事後加同埋日後apps只會越黎越大食,所以最好都係加啦;如果budget有限而真係有需要,建議買低一個款甚至買舊野都唔好慳響RAM

Q: iMac買咩RAM?
A: 記住21.5"無外接RAM槽,只有響27”先可以簡單買後自己開門加;spec: PC-19200 DDR-4 SO-DIMM 2400MHz CL17,牌子唔講費事被賴炒高個價,留意Apple跟機本身插既config係兩條4GB或兩條8GB或四條8GB,姐係你訂32GB的話係插滿唔會有空槽

Q: Fusion Drive vs SSD?
A: Fusion Drive係將一個細SSD同一個大HDD撈埋黎用既功能黎,理論上係同時解決速度同容量兩大矛盾,聽落好正不過實戰係有限制;響iMac/Mac Mini既然係desktop機,可以比較輕易插平價外置HDD増加容量,不過要拎出街既Mac要依靠內置既PCI SSD響實用上就唔易用外置方法;所以如果對部Mac既performance有要求,應該考慮改訂原生內置SSD,因為Apple最近用既都係頂級blade PCI SSD有千幾二千MB/s;注:1TB Fusion個SSD只有32GB,2/3TB Fusion先有128GB

Q: SSD幾大夠? 128GB夠唔夠做
A: 情況同16GB iPhone類似,128GB總有人唔覺唔夠,macOS實際上只用十幾廿GB,如果你係極低用量user上吓Facebook同睇AV,咁128GB唔會話唔夠;不過只要你開始用部機黎做野,又或者入歌入相就會開始塞爆;最新MB/MBP系列因為SSD焊死,出廠後唔可以加,建議買時有大食大,當然日後data可以擺外置HDD不過作為portable咁樣會阻礙幾多你要自己衡量

Q: 有無獨顯分別幾大? 內顯夠唔夠做?
A: 插大mon/多mon同極低要求game,內顯足夠應付;不過要去到打普通新3D game同rend片做CAD就建議盡加獨顯;記著GPU係Mac既弱項,如果3D同rend好有要求,要考慮iMac (Pro),TB3 eGPU外顯,舊Mac Pro插大卡,Hackintosh等途徑,或者放棄Apple叫Gay Cook去含

Q: Mac Mini係唔係摺,點解咁垃圾?
A: 2014後無update過,就算少budget都完全唔建議買Mini,真係完全唔值;一定要買的話建議搵二手2012 i7 server版,最後一部可以自己插兩個SATA drive,換RAM,同有quad core i7既Mac

Q: Mac Pro係唔係摺,點解咁貴不過又唔係勁?
A: Apple認左2013年出既垃圾筒係失敗作,下一個暫叫modular Mac Pro既後繼將會2018年尾左右出;衣家個垃圾筒版本絕對唔建議買,iMac 27”性能上幾乎完全過左佢頭,仲要連埋隻靚mon

Q: iMac Pro又咩料?
A: Apple要響新Mac Pro見街前出一部援兵之計既「Pro」機頂住先,揀左用iMac all-in-one既approach去做基礎,內部用「workstation class」部件,入門門檻HK$38,888...
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:28:57 FAQ 配置/使用篇

Q: Apple Care咩黎,買唔買埋好?
A: 所有一手Mac你以正途購買都會連一年保,買埋Apple Care係另加兩年,姐係共三年;其間包零件任換保養,除非極明顯人為破壞如爆mon同入水;另外Mac係全球保,無論你響邊個國家買部Mac,只要響有Apple插旗retail store同有authorized service provider既地方佢都可以check你保養status,確認到你部野仲有保就會幫你(免費)整

Q: 翻新機 vs 正價機?
A: 翻新機經過Apple換殼,換走壞parts(如果有),同埋再過出廠test,照有Apple Care一年(亦可再加多兩年);網上好少有人report話翻新機有特別問題,你可以當無端端拎左個折;當然買正價機有食第一手處既滿足感同安全感

Q: 點搞分期?
A: 去豐澤/百老匯買,or 去Apple Online Store買,之後打上銀行卡務中心做「現金分期」「購物分期」

Q: 大學notebook ownership / back to school 有無得upgrade CPU / RAM / SSD / Fusion?
A: 無,響嗰度買一定要買「標配」,想加野一定要出街外買;街外買都仲可以用官網教育價,只係無ownership個再低少少既價,同埋無堆濕鳩贈品

Q: 插外置mon點搞?
A: 如果你部Mac有Thunderbolt 2,係可以直插Mini DisplayPort既mon;有HDMI port就好明顯更易;得USB-C/TB3的話就要留意,Apple隻TB3>TB2賓州係唔可以直接出mon(要chain內有另一個TB device),你要搵一隻USB-C轉DP或者轉HDMI既插或者dock;有好少部份既mon可以直插新Mac用到,暫時只有LG Ultrafine 5K/4K,原生有USB-C既mon如LG 27UK850,舊Apple Thunderbolt Display(同TB3>TB2賓州)等

Q: iMac係唔係可以當mon用?
A: 以前得,衣家唔得;PS4可以用Remote Play,插LAN線ok順,得720p不過PS4 PRO有1080;另一個貴既option係買Elgato HD60s,佢係插USB3既capture卡黎,有即時唔delay既HDMI入mac功能,不過個價錢夠買一個mon

Q: mon貼有無用?
A: 原本個mon已經有足夠既防反光同防污coating,除非你非常粗用部機一定要加倍保護個mon,如果唔係無需要;有人用家報告話,某d貼有可能會痴到甩coating,而且Apple官方都唔建議擺任何野響摺埋既MacBook中間

Q: keyboard套有無用?
A: keyboard位置有少量散熱功能,如果長期完全封閉有可能令部機承受不需要既熱;再者keyboard套既物料,再加上用家手油,響摺埋部機時因為有形狀同餘熱係好大可能會痴番上mon,可以破壞coating甚至整花;當然如果你好粗用部野,又成日驚倒瀉野入機,咁平衡過風險後你可以用既;不過再講多次,Apple官方都唔建議擺任何野響摺埋既MacBook中間

Q: 外殼又好唔好?
A: MBP系列一向好硬淨,正常用途最多係整花,應該要好高跌落地先有問題,再者呢個程度既撞擊有殼都未必保到你;當然想同部野著衫,想特別粗用,或者用有功能既殼或袋咁係你鍾意;注意:一般硬殼會整厚部機好多,理論上或多或少會阻礙金屬機身散熱,而且會加厚ports與外面距離搞到部份插線或者hub係插唔盡

Q: drive無位了,點算?
A: iCloud可以俾錢加容量,係同Mac/iDevice合作無間既雲,速度同uptime一流,可以考慮

Q: BT係唔係會chur SSD
A: 好明顯會,如果你成日BT,最好加個外置HDD射去用;當然一GB半GB應急係無咩事,唔好日chur夜chur就OK

Q: USB-C係唔係同WiFi有干擾?
A: 係,設計USB班天才選擇可以同2.4GHz共震既spec,所以如果你個三方配件響shielding做唔足,係有可能插響Mac時干擾部機既2.4GHz性能;解決方法係轉用5GHz AC...,或者搵一隻無事既hub/device...

Q: 我成日俾部野電親,咩事?
A: 接地不足令到有stray current由Mac電容傳番出殼外,電力唔足以成為安全問題不過的確會好煩;Apple既火牛有第三條接地線解決呢個問題,不過要用原裝廷長線先有呢個contact,就咁用短插係無;舊機跟機已經有呢條線,新機無跟要同Apple百幾蚊買,不過有人話可以去Store向精靈R到條;電源相關危險,建議用副廠野要小心選擇
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:29:18 軟件apps篇

Safari (Apple自家跟機)
Chrome https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html
Firefox https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
Opera http://www.opera.com/computer/mac

Instant Messenger
iMessage (Apple自家跟機)
WhatsApp https://www.whatsapp.com/download/
LINE https://line.me/en-US/download
Skype https://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-mac/
QQ https://im.qq.com/macqq/
阿里旺旺 https://alimarket.taobao.com/markets/qnww/portal-group/ww/index
Adium (集qq, yahoo, google, facebook, msn, icq, etc) https://adium.im

mpv (最快最順) https://mpv.io / https://laboratory.stolendata.net/~djinn/mpv_osx/
IINA (mpv改良UI) https://lhc70000.github.io/iina/
VLC (play到最多format同stream) https://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html
SplayerX射手播放器 (自動搵字幕) https://www.splayer.org

Live Video Streaming / 睇波
SopCast for mac http://www.sopcast.com/download/mac.html
Streamtorrent http://download.pcmac.com.cn/mac12321.html

Music / Streaming
iTunes / Apple Music (Apple自家跟機,近年太亂,不過過野去iOS必須)
Spotify https://www.spotify.com/us/download/mac/
VOX (播高清檔) https://vox.rocks/mac-music-player
Audirvana Plus (播高清檔) https://audirvana.com

一系列小型audio工具(包括routing,recording) http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/mac/

iOS / iDevice
iFunbox http://www.i-funbox.com
iMazing https://imazing.com

iWork: Pages, Numbers, Keynote (Apple自家全免費,要去AppStore download)
MS Office 365 for mac http://www.microsoftstore.com.hk/HK/Office-365‎
LibreOffice http://www.libreoffice.org/download

Creative Suite
Adobe CC http://www.adobe.com/CreativeCloud‎
一堆freeware (免費取代Adobe CS6) http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/say-goodbye-to-adobe-creative-suite/
Affinity Photo (Photoshop alternative) https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/photo/
Pixelmator (Photoshop alternative) http://www.pixelmator.com/pro/
Sketchapp (Illustrator alternative): https://www.sketchapp.com/

Steam for Mac http://store.steampowered.com/macos
EA Origin for Mac https://www.origin.com/en-hk/store/shop/mac

OpenEmu (PS1/PSP/GB/GBA/NES/SNES/N64/NDS etc) http://openemu.org

Transmission https://transmissionbt.com
Deluge http://www.deluge-torrent.org
qbittorrent https://www.qbittorrent.org/

FileZilla (FTP) https://filezilla-project.org
Transmit (FTP) https://www.panic.com/transmit/
iStumbler (scan network/WiFi) https://istumbler.net

Unarchiver (解zip/rar/7zp/gzip/tar etc) https://theunarchiver.com
Keka http://www.kekaosx.com/en/

File System
Paragon NTFS https://www.paragon-software.com/ufsdhome/ntfs-mac/

TimeMachine (Apple自家,自動hourly incremental backup)
Carbon Copy Cloner (bootable clone) https://bombich.com

GUI / Interface
iStat Menus (響menu bar放icon去monitor系統) https://bjango.com/mac/istatmenus/
Duet Display (將iPad變有touch既Mac mon) https://www.duetdisplay.com
AstroPad (iPad+Apple Pencil 做畫板): https://astropad.com/studio/
SizeUp (割window) http://www.irradiatedsoftware.com/sizeup/
Moom (割window) https://manytricks.com/moom/

Better Touch Tool https://www.boastr.net
MagicPrefs http://magicprefs.com

SteerMouse http://plentycom.jp/en/steermouse/
CursorSense http://plentycom.jp/en/cursorsense/
ControllerMate https://www.orderedbytes.com/controllermate/

Input method
Yahoo! 奇摩輸入法 (Windows排字速成倉頡/廣東話輸入***已摺不過可用) https://goo.gl/5giS7U / http://www.macuknow.com/files/download/YahooKeyKey-OSX-Leopard-1.1.2535.dmg / http://mactivityhongkong.blogspot.hk/2016/12/macos-sierra.html
OpenVanilla (Windows排字速成倉頡/廣東話輸入) https://openvanilla.org / https://www.pcmarket.com.hk/2017/01/26/mac機中文輸入更新openvanilla/
《六碼筆畫》G6輸入法 http://www.miniapps.hk/g6code/

smcFanControl (控制風扇) https://www.eidac.de/?cat=40
Macs Fan Control (控制風扇) https://www.crystalidea.com/macs-fan-control
OnyX (系統維修) https://www.titanium-software.fr/en/onyx.html
XRG https://gauchosoft.com/Products/XRG/
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:29:32 嚴重警告 • 溫馨提示
Soda Player被發現無故私自check用家檔案,懷疑係木馬/malware,建議所有巴打立即del app
(我世界盃時用佢睇acestream,check番console log佢真係響stream緊嗰時又read我email archive,又read過keychain access個database)


完全del app有兩個地方要清:
Applications/Soda Player
~/Library/Application Support/Soda Player
搵user home Library要響Finder,最頂menu bar搵Go,㩒實option掣,下面drop down先會出現Library

波友唔洗驚 (by 張震嶽)
bt 返 wine 版 acestream

(by money4me)

由於捆綁廣告軟體,µTorrent一直備受爭議,而在2018年4月,包括微軟的Windows Defender、ESET的NOD32等安全軟體已將µTorrent標記為「潛在的不受歡迎的程式」,[17]對於此事件μTorrent的母公司BitTorrent表示他們的軟體是符合Google與Clean Software Alliance標準的。[18]最好加多一段

BitTorrent (utorrent母公司)已經賣左盤
作價$140 million賣左俾Justin Sun, the founder of cryptocurrency TRON
雖然話:no plan to change,
但我就唔信條友用 1億5千萬美金買來做善事
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:29:42 進階及鑊氣篇 (beta)

官方:Apple就MBP 2016/2017 keyboard入塵損壞問題發出四年有條件免費維修

MBP2016 / 2017清除keyboard入塵方法

官方:MacBook Pro 請勿使用護腕墊或鍵帽蓋


官方:Mac 服務與維修

官方:macOS 10.13.4 開始支援Thunderbolt3 eGPU



哩個macos enhance script 係外國非常出名,來自github 排名最高既dotfile repo

MBP(2013-2017)同rMB(2015-2017) mon甩coating replacement program,計買機日期四年內,暫時無限期不過唔知會唔會突然完

macOS 10.12 Sierra,App Store直接download link仲未閂閘
條link會自動掉你去AppStore,click download
/Applications/Install macOS Sierra.app/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmg
個.dmg就係個mountable disk image
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:29:54 MBP2018專題


個人意見: 當代MBP分別列表

MBP2018 Geekbench分





macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 解決全線2018 MBP降頻問題

第一個發現降頻問題既Youtuber Dave Lee第一條片
patch後Dave既follow up

macrumors用戶winterny發現問題根源係一粒叫VRM (voltage regulator module)既chip失效,佢係負責控制適當供電俾成個系統


After applying the latest update from Apple, I re-ran the Geekbench build test on the i9. It's slightly faster, but processor frequency stays stable when building (which is comforting).Still technically slower than the i7, but close enough that, practically, it doesn't matter. - John Poole (@jfpoole) July 24, 2018

呢個係mr用戶部i9行好多次Cinebench,patch完再自己分別regulate 65W 同55W個結果
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:30:22 https://appleinsider.com/articles/18/10/08/the-new-mac-pro-might-get-intels-new-28-core-5-ghz-xeon-processor
The new Mac Pro might get Intel's new 28-core 5 GHz Xeon processor
Intel has revealed its upcoming collection of high-specification processors, including a 28-core Xeon processor for professional users alongside its 9th-generation Core processors boasting high core counts that could be heading for the Mac Pro, along with one eight-core model clocked at 5GHz.

Unveiled at an event on Monday, the Xeon W-3175X is a 28-core, 56-thread chip that is intended for professional applications. While it has a base clock speed of 3.1GHz, the processor is capable of reaching to to 4.3GHz when boosted, and ships with an unlocked multiplier.

Offering a six-channel DDR4 memory controller, it is capable of supporting up to 512GB of memory. Aimed at content creators, the chip also includes 68 PCIe lanes, 44 of which are on the CPU, providing extensive connection opportunities to other hardware.

All this performance also means it generates a lot of heat, with Intel stating it has a Thermal Design Point (TDP) of 265 Watts.

The new model follows on from the Xeon W range launched last year, which included up to 18 cores on a single chip. At the time, it was thought the Xeon W family could be used on the iMac Pro. While the addition of a 28-core processor to the range may be attractive to some customers, the high heat generation would require considerably more cooling than the iMac Pro is able to provide.

In theory, this makes the Xeon W-3175 a decent candidate for use in the upcoming refreshed Mac Pro. Apple previously revealed it was working on a modular-designed version that it was intending to bring out in 2018, and depending on the way it is constructed, it may be able to have enough cooling for the chip, if Apple ends up using it.

Pricing for the Xeon W-3173X has yet to be announced, but it will be going on sale in December.
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:30:49 https://9to5mac.com/2018/10/08/2018-ipad-pro-details-face-id-display/
Exclusive: iPad Pro Face ID details, 4K HDR video over USB-C, AirPods-like Apple Pencil 2 pairing, more
Apple is widely expected to hold an event this month to introduce new 2018 iPad Pro models, new Macs, and more. Much of this has been confirmed by evidence within the iOS 12.1 beta, which includes references to an iPad2018Fall device.

Today, sources familiar with the development of the new 2018 iPad Pro have offered additional details about the device, its features, and more.

The model codes for the Wi-Fi models of the 2018 iPad Pro will be iPad8,1, iPad8,2, iPad8,5 and iPad8,6. Meanwhile, the cellular-capable models will be iPad8,3, iPad8,4 and iPad8,7 and iPad8,8.

This means there will be two Wi-Fi models in both size options, and two LTE models in both size options.

The new iPad Pros will have an edge-to-edge display and will not feature a Home button, much like the iPhone. Unlike the iPhone, however, the iPad Pro will not have a notch.

Even though the new 2018 iPad Pro models will sport thinner bezels, those bezels will still be wide enough to accommodate the TrueDepth camera system necessary for Face ID.

The 2018 iPad Pro will include Face ID with the same image signal processor as the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR. Further, we can confirm that Face ID on the new iPad Pro will work in both portrait and landscape orientations, though it won’t work upside down.

The Face ID setup process on the new iPad Pros will be very similar to the process introduced with the iPhone X. Notably, despite post-setup support for landscape Face ID, the setup process must be completed in portrait orientation.

It’s not clear if the new landscape support requires a special hardware feature, or if it can be made available to iPhones with a simple software update.

With its USB-C port, the 2018 iPad Pro will be able to output 4K HDR video to external displays. To accommodate this feature, there will be a new panel in the settings app where users will be able to control resolution, HDR, brightness and other settings for connected external displays.

A new version of the Apple Pencil will be released for the 2018 iPad Pro, sources tell us. The new Apple Pencil will be paired with iPad Pro by proximity, much like AirPods or HomePod. Switching between devices will be possible without connecting the Apple Pencil to the charging port. It’s unclear whether the current model of Apple Pencil will work with the new iPad.

The new iPad Pro will have a brand new connector for accessories. The Magnetic Connector will be at the back of the iPad and will allow for the connection of different accessories, such as a new version of the Smart Keyboard and other third-party accessories.
四架坦克 2018-10-9 17:31:40 問十月發報會/邊隻Mac會更新/應唔應該等既人唔該:

iPhone XR: 一早知要推到十月出,只係找數
iPad Pro: iOS12有data file,supply chain有風,知道係無邊框同埋改size
Mac Mini: Bloomberg收到風會有「Pro向」改版
MacBook Air / MacBook: supply chain同Bloomberg同時知道會有一部未肯定spec既合體版
iMac: 其實完全無風,只係因為Intel啱用既chip已經出左街,除非design大改如果唔係Apple無咩理由唔出




彭于晏. 2018-10-9 18:04:23 lm
國際牌液體 2018-10-9 18:11:23 國絲lm
鈦合金筆頭 2018-10-9 21:15:11 終極一推
鈦合金筆頭 2018-10-9 21:18:45 btw,邏輯上一個hub 食thunderbolt嘅訊號拆開video輸出、usb之類嘅port應該係唔需要thunderbolt chips?但如果個hub想有thunderbolt輸出就要加粒老閪咁貴嘅chips?正確?
維辛迪 2018-10-9 22:16:23 留名等event
kira 2018-10-9 22:22:53
dbrand之外 有咩貼好介紹

雷蛇苦主_可憐蟲 2018-10-9 23:13:21 此回覆已被刪除
Porsche718 2018-10-9 23:18:21 此回覆已被刪除
神風劍客 2018-10-10 00:05:14 希望聽朝訓醒會有消息
Porsche718 2018-10-10 00:29:40 此回覆已被刪除


既緣淺何必種情深 2018-10-10 00:35:37 Lm
俏寶寶 2018-10-10 01:26:20 新post留名先
👹全力恥笑😬 2018-10-10 08:31:06 用緊iMac 2011 mid, 想駁個27” mon,問題如下:
可唔可以全clone 畫面之下disable iMac 畫面?
用Thunderbolt > HDMI 線,聲畫全同部?
邊隻27” mon夠用?
大人的科學 2018-10-10 10:43:37 Reddit 個wine 版acestream 係咪收左皮?