流行鋼琴/古典鋼琴/樂理 你問我答
lightsonmusic 2020-4-19 21:43:12 淨琴4199包譜架pedal


lightsonmusic 2020-4-20 10:50:27
張丹楓 2020-4-20 13:36:46 此回覆已被刪除
lightsonmusic 2020-4-22 00:10:44 我依家做緊限惠包埋送貨

lightsonmusic 2020-4-22 17:34:04 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-4-25 09:27:44 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-4-25 22:48:48 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-4-27 20:56:36 push
lightsonmusic 2020-4-29 08:36:00 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-4-30 20:48:53 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-5-1 10:31:14 push


StayFocused 2020-5-1 19:01:49 if you work hard ( practice everyday), then
6 years Grade 8
4 years Grade 5
StayFocused 2020-5-1 19:02:50 sorry, not a practical goal.
投共既可恥又有用 2020-5-1 20:49:53 此回覆已被刪除
StayFocused 2020-5-2 09:22:05 Very attainable. BUT you need to have a very STRONG reason.
Willing to make the sacrifice for practice - 30 min to start, 1 hour or more daily later....You may be distracted by ECs ( extracurricular) and your beautiful date.

You need to BUILD a very strong RPM
I can help remotely when you're stuck later....



RARE Exception --- Grade 8 in 4 years !! https://forums.abrsm.org/?showtopic=16770&page=2
you need to find a professional and very experienced piano teacher. e.g. Professor in Music / Piano ....Tell them your target before you start and how much time you can commit daily for practice.
投共既可恥又有用 2020-5-2 10:57:25 此回覆已被刪除
lightsonmusic 2020-5-3 09:07:00 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-5-4 09:31:00 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-5-4 18:47:47 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-5-5 14:04:04 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-5-7 16:24:24 Push


正義熊仔餅 2020-5-7 16:50:44 自己本身學琴考到8級(古典音樂)樂理5級

最近想試下彈jazz,有冇jazz琴書/online resources好介紹?
lightsonmusic 2020-5-10 10:30:10 同問
lightsonmusic 2020-5-12 11:52:34 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-5-13 20:29:23 push