流行鋼琴/古典鋼琴/樂理 你問我答
lightsonmusic 2020-3-21 21:30:41 Push


只得其樂 2020-3-21 22:21:57 點睇 twelve-tone music
打晒問號 2020-3-22 00:12:52 靜音琴有咩推介?

lightsonmusic 2020-3-23 20:01:38 出名少少既仲有Feurich,Yamaha係大牌子同埋落足宣傳,所以比較多人聽過,其他既牌子就唔太清楚
打晒問號 2020-3-23 23:15:48 想買靜音琴,但yamaha yus 嘅高音位唔夠通透
lightsonmusic 2020-3-24 22:20:17 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-3-25 20:35:00 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-3-26 11:10:38 Push
傳奇 2020-3-26 20:57:13 John Adams咁講過
"Despite my respect for and even intimdation by the persona of Schoenberg, I felt it only honest to acknowledge that I profoundly disliked the sound of twelve-tone music... and it was no secret that the audience for classical music during the twentieth century was rapidly shrinking, in no small part because of the aural ugliness of so much of the new work being written."
只得其樂 2020-3-26 21:02:26
lightsonmusic 2020-3-28 10:41:09 Push


lightsonmusic 2020-3-28 23:46:03 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-3-29 11:54:56 push
lightsonmusic 2020-3-31 00:34:26 push
香港精神岳巴 2020-4-1 00:16:53 想問廿頭冇音樂底自學 睇咩書好?
lightsonmusic 2020-4-1 11:32:55 成人自學可以用john thompson modern course for the piano grade 1
lightsonmusic 2020-4-5 23:56:46 Push
君妖老母(已滑倒) 2020-4-6 00:15:03 而家廿三 小三四學過琴三級掉低左
lightsonmusic 2020-4-6 16:06:44 古典搵老師學好啲,會執你嘅坐姿/手型/拍子等等,自學嘅話彈錯咗都唔知咩事
君妖老母(已滑倒) 2020-4-6 19:57:01 而家有冇話咩價係正常 啫係有冇類似公價既野
lightsonmusic 2020-4-6 23:42:03 我收緊初級$250 45分鐘 面授, $240 45分鐘 online class


lightsonmusic 2020-4-7 21:56:53 Push
lightsonmusic 2020-4-8 12:48:21 push
理衛斯 2020-4-8 14:34:48 係咪好少人完成8級之後會揀行arsm呢條路?
lightsonmusic 2020-4-8 16:51:49 通常考at, 易啲