[數撚圍爐區] abc conjecture is still a conjecture (3)
幸福安泰吻 2018-11-9 11:45:19


吾不會數學 2018-11-9 11:47:16 每個符號都係一個function, 如果唔unique的咪唔係welk defined, 所以唔可以比符號佢
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 11:47:36
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2018-11-9 11:53:13
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 12:00:38
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 12:05:16
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2018-11-9 12:06:37
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 12:24:49
夢追人 2018-11-9 13:55:40
夢追人 2018-11-9 13:56:16
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 13:57:01


吾不會數學 2018-11-9 13:57:36
夢追人 2018-11-9 13:59:13
夢追人 2018-11-9 14:05:18
笑騎騎•放毒蛇 2018-11-9 14:08:02
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 14:10:41
夢追人 2018-11-9 14:13:03
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 14:14:36
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 14:16:54
Billybug大哥 2018-11-9 16:21:01 Suppose x ∈ S, α ∈ Cfx(S), and ϵ > 0. Let {αt
: |t| < ϵ}
be a holomorphic arc on Cfx(S) such that α0 = α. Then, shrinking ϵ if
necessary there exists a neighborhood U of x on X and a holomorphic
map A : U × ∆(ϵ) → Ce (X) such that (a) A(x, t) = αt for t ∈ ∆(ϵ),
(b) A(z, t) ∈ Cfz(X) whenever z ∈ U and (c) A(z

, t) ∈ Cfz
′(S) whenever
′ ∈ U ∩ S. Hence, for t ∈ ∆(ϵ), αet(z) := A(z, t) defines a holomorphic
section of πe : Ce (X) → X over U such that αet
|U∩S is a section of
ϖe : Ce(S) → S over U ∩ S. We have αet = αe + tξe + O(t
), where
αe(z) := A(z, 0), ξe(z) ∈ Pαe(z)
for z ∈ U, and ξe(z

) ∈ Pαe(z
′) ∩ Tz
′(S) for
′ ∈ U ∩ S.
高山一実 2018-11-9 17:08:30 既然complex logarithm都可以multivalued
整個符號係equivalence class of all basis咪得


吾不會數學 2018-11-9 17:46:46 嚴格上黎講你要揀左branch先
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 17:55:27 如果你堅持唔揀branch 個output會係一個set
吾不會數學 2018-11-9 17:59:14 不過我記得有一種方法處理呢類function但我唔記得點處理
幸福安泰吻 2018-11-9 19:42:04 你哋覺得topology 同number theory 對ug non pure math student 係咪必須