2019 HKU Taught Master
小小秋天 2018-12-10 14:09:43 原來有


business analytics 即係玩big data聽個名都幾正


我沒有放棄 2018-12-10 14:23:13
詩人松島安 2018-12-10 16:38:09 其實我都想操返,下次考過。可以 telegram 傾。
一23四 2018-12-10 16:46:50 Master筆試咁簡單

巨Lin提子 2018-12-10 16:50:46 此回覆已被刪除
我沒有放棄 2018-12-10 16:51:38
underpants 2018-12-10 18:28:02 會唔會因為你係full time?
Full time 同part time 個基礎都差好遠
Full time expect你有stat底份卷難d都應該
我覺得我讀完part time 先剛剛夠資格讀full time MSTAT
詩人松島安 2018-12-11 18:04:43 啲 course 唔係一樣咩?
金盤洗口 2018-12-11 21:59:00 2019 taught master group link
underpants 2018-12-11 22:09:30 以下兩個係full time MSTAT既core courses
STAT6008 Advanced statistical inference (6 credits)
This course covers the advanced theory of point estimation, interval estimation and hypothesis testing. Using a mathematically-oriented approach, the course provides a formal treatment of inferential problems, statistical methodologies and their underlying theory. It is suitable in particular for students intending to further their studies or to develop a career in statistical research. Contents include: (1) Decision problem – frequentist approach: loss function; risk; decision rule; admissibility; minimaxity; unbiasedness; Bayes’ rule; (2) Decision problem – Bayesian approach: prior and posterior distributions, Bayesian inference; (3) Estimation theory: exponential families; likelihood; sufficiency; minimal sufficiency; completeness; UMVU estimators; information inequality; large-sample theory of maximum likelihood estimation; (4) Hypothesis testing: uniformly most powerful (UMP) test; monotone likelihood ratio; UMP unbiased test; conditional test; large sample theory of likelihood ratio; confidence set; (5) Nonparametric inference; bootstrap methods.

STAT6014 Advanced statistical modelling (6 credits)
This course introduces modern methods for constructing and evaluating statistical models and their implementation using popular computing software, such as R or Python. It will cover both the underlying principles of each modelling approach and the model estimation procedures. Topics from: (i) Generalized linear models; (ii) Mixed models; (iii) Kernel and local polynomial regression; selection of smoothing parameters; (iv) Generalized additive models; (v) Hidden Markov models and Bayesian networks.

以下兩個係part time MSTAT既core courses
STAT7003 Foundations of statistics (6 credits)
Motivated by real problems involving uncertainty and variability, this course introduces the basic concepts and principles of statistical inference and decision- making. Ideas developed will include probability modelling, statistical distributions; parametric classes; the likelihood principle; maximum likelihood estimation; likelihood ratio tests; hypotheses testing. (Only under exceptional academic circumstances can this compulsory course be replaced by an elective course.)

STAT7004 Linear modelling (6 credits)
Much of the analysis of variability is concerned with locating the sources of the variability, and many current statistical techniques investigate these sources through the use of ‘linear’ models. This course presents a unified theory of such statistical problems including regression; variance and covariance analyses; design of experiments; and their practical implementation with statistical packages. (Only under exceptional academic circumstances can this compulsory course be replaced by an elective course.)

7003只係等於4年制stat major year 2既introductory level course
7004只係等於year 3既course

主要分為6xxx, 7xxx, 80xx
6xxx通常係day time course比full time MSTAT讀,幾乎全部都係undergrad無cover過既topic
7xxx係part time既補底course
8xxx係undergrad year 3/4 elective抄過黎master, 例如data mining, time series, risk management, actuarial stat, biostat

你可以enroll into part time MSTAT然後take 唔係day time 6字頭既course, 我都係咁take左一個

25歲學生妹 2018-12-11 22:13:59 fg 讀係咪冇易入 見佢要填好多working experience


字裡行間🇱🇧 2018-12-12 00:56:54 真係幾簡單 full time都係
我沒有放棄 2018-12-12 05:14:21 嘩 好威喎
underpants 2018-12-12 21:35:31 真心想請教下....你覺得stat master要讀乜野先算正常/唔算簡單?

上面果兩個只係core course...仲有一堆6xxx會讀theoretical D既topics例如measure theory, Hilbert spaces
詩人松島安 2018-12-12 23:12:09 幾恐怖咁
道路真理和生命 2018-12-13 01:58:11 想問下如何冇referee係咪一定冇機?
underpants 2018-12-13 08:20:25 我當年都無填referee

電機仔 2018-12-13 08:37:45 我上年都冇寫,收左
生活在他方 2018-12-13 09:38:13 此回覆已被刪除
信用卡 2018-12-13 09:49:49
生活在他方 2018-12-13 10:03:12 此回覆已被刪除


信用卡 2018-12-13 10:15:14 諗住報mipa pt
生活在他方 2018-12-13 10:22:43 此回覆已被刪除
信用卡 2018-12-13 10:24:32
頹廢彼得 2018-12-24 09:12:23 有無人已經收到PT mstat offer?