2019 HKU Taught Master
小白與我 2019-5-31 12:05:38 想問問有D postgrad dip寫到明要2 year working exp
其實真唔真, 出黎做左一年野想報


我愛冰人 2019-5-31 12:21:27 有無人報MMedsc
餓千前 2019-5-31 12:30:14 此回覆已被刪除
HIV 2019-5-31 12:37:19 報左環境同BS, BS 已收reject 信

櫻木拜仁 2019-5-31 12:42:51 巴打讀full-time?
HIV 2019-5-31 12:43:59 Part time, 本身degree 都係part time
見first hon 想轉讀hku
定期飛航員 2019-5-31 13:36:26 envm 師兄讀full time相信即將畢業, 可否請教有無d 科係舟別難搞
櫻木拜仁 2019-5-31 13:55:30 巴打係咪問緊full-time

Ft既話多數3/4日咁 有時可能2日 我覺得個programme都幾chur 都幾多功課同present

唔知你咩background 不過envm都幾多essay要寫,有幾科要計數 雖然唔算難 但如果你係文科底就留意下
比較難既core我諗就7014 有d non-science底既同學讀果陣完全唔知發生緊咩事咁
定期飛航員 2019-5-31 14:24:22 係full time呀, 本身仲有份工要番, 不過無計佢part time 個邊唔收..

overall 你覺得易唔易pass, prof比grade手緊嗎?

轟到個閪出煙 2019-5-31 14:26:08 想請教下咁多位
part time geotechnical engineering難唔難入?洗唔洗in?收幾多人到?
月供越貴 2019-5-31 14:27:24 一年幾多次intake? 年頭掙扎左陣最後冇報


櫻木拜仁 2019-5-31 15:10:03 如果只係Pass就梗係易
比grade就睇prof 不過正正常常都有B以上

唔算話太多考試 得大概一半少d既科要考 不過你讀ft既話 一個sem考3科應該走唔甩,大部份科都有assignment同present

其實d野唔算話好難 如果你本身文科底又對呢env野有興趣 都會讀得開心既
定期飛航員 2019-5-31 15:24:52 都有興趣既, 希望一切順順利利
N_Sequitor 2019-5-31 16:06:24 Not an applicant here but I did give it a thought, one serious enough for me to collect a few interview questions online. Probably I will never face these but I hope they might be of some use to you. Good luck.
1. What are your reasons for interest in this Programme?
2. What motivates you to study an MA programme with a focus on theoretical training and textual analysis which is quite different from your former training? Why do you think you are equipped to take this MA course?
3. How is your former academic training, professional background, and personal experience linked this academic programme?
4. How much do you know the methods of studying literary and cultural studies in this MA programme? Do you anticipate any challenges?
5. Can you name one or two literary or cultural theories which have inspired you before?
6. While your background is more literature-based, are you equally aware of the fact that film studies is also another core in our programme?
7. Have you applied for other MA programmes as well? Why do you feel our programme best meets your needs?
8. What do you expect to achieve from our programme?
Zoloft 2019-5-31 23:34:21 想問吓有無人知mpsymed情況係點?
Social work second up有無機?
白玉蜜柑 2019-6-1 11:28:44 此回覆已被刪除
tyuonb 2019-6-1 13:19:06
白玉蜜柑 2019-6-1 13:29:20 此回覆已被刪除
tyuonb 2019-6-1 13:50:26
櫻木拜仁 2019-6-1 16:12:18 同faculty office講啦 上年我果科比我最遲8月頭交
小白與我 2019-6-1 22:42:19 pu


小白與我 2019-6-1 23:45:28 push
Marylee 2019-6-3 21:46:05 請問 nursing 出左offer 未?
bunnybun 2019-6-5 17:54:44 請問mph面試之後第二日問我要英文地址係咪有可能出offer

定期飛航員 2019-6-17 13:02:20 其實有recommendation 係咪應該會有offer?
