chaeyoung 2018-10-3 22:00:12 Update左之後開唔到機 一開就係不停閃嘅問號...
試過跟apple支援個網搞 但都唔得


FreeBSD 2018-10-4 00:32:31 可以試下佢

Deus 2018-10-4 00:49:34 係,我中咗


我 Reboot 咗 SMC 好似無用,之後較咗 Do Not Disturb while sleeping 好似好咗
五十蚊朋友 2018-10-4 01:41:48 2013 13' MBPr 個sleep mode好似有問題
合埋個mon再開翻有時會要打密碼,但無show lock screen界面而係合mon前個畫面freeze咗
蜜精圍她奶 2018-10-4 01:52:24 我想問升左之後之前crack左啲software會唔會有影響?會唔會run唔到?
個dark mode好吸引

利申 mbp 18
尹光頭仔 2018-10-4 11:41:43 冇人知?
HRUDUDU 2018-10-4 12:03:28 有無人上咗Mojave之後,蓋埋部機休眠會倒水?
MBP with TB 新機唔夠兩星期
HRUDUDU 2018-10-4 12:05:37 我都係呀
明明係新機 升之前無事
jerrylkl 2018-10-4 13:49:27 我imac 2013更新完好多問題,wifi都冇埋又慢又駁唔到keyboard mouse,好在有time capsule還原返high sierra,遲下再試過
林早洩食屎大 2018-10-5 19:40:24 殘體注意:
四川哈麻批 2018-10-5 20:33:22


Deus 2018-10-5 20:56:58 有無巴打試過 Work 唔 Work?
The problem is the macOS continues to check for updates (including email, software, news, etc.) while your MacBook Pro is asleep. This means it's very quick to get up and running, but it also means your battery goes down.

To fix it, you can tell you MacBook Pro to disconnect from the Internet while it's a sleep.

To do this, you need to set the tcpkeepalive setting to 0.

Open up Terminal and type:

sudo pmset -b tcpkeepalive 0

其實 MacBook Pro 應該一直都有依個問題?但 Update 咗 Mojave 之後真係嚴重咗好多。不過依一兩日都係一時時,夜晚擺過夜又無事,但日頭用咗一陣闔埋又會繼續食電
我都仲未捉到食電個 Pattern
林早洩食屎大 2018-10-5 23:03:27 我部MacBook Pro 2015 一買返黎已經有襟蓋食電既情況



To make your MBP sleep deep like the old versions you should first restart your computer into recovery mode. To do that you should restart your mac and hold CMD+R until you hear the start up sound. After that open terminal and type this;

csrutil disable

Then restart your MacBook again. Go to this destination, you can access inside kext files by right click->Show Package Contents


Find your board id with:

ioreg -l | awk '/board-id/{print $4}' | sed 's/[<">]//g'

Open <your_board_id>.plist (e.g. Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6.plist) file by a text editor and edit these settings just like these;


TCPKeepAliveDuringSleep keeps your MacBook connections open when its sleeping, so it keep Wifi connected. NotificationWake wakes your Mac randomly to check notifications especially make this one false. DNDWhileDisplaySleeps means "Do not disturb on sleep"; MacBook does get disturbed by notifications when its asleep.

My personal opinion is this process should be done by every 2015+ MacBook users. Because MacBooks are not cellphones that ring for notifications. Apple should have made a toggle button for this.

Do not forget to enable System Integrity Protection again. You should restart into recovery mode and on terminal type " csrutil enable " and restart.
HRUDUDU 2018-10-6 08:24:11 想問下最後 enable system integrity protection, restart into recovery mode 要點做?
IT佬 2018-10-6 09:09:13 有無人發覺用電快過之前
IT佬 2018-10-6 09:30:21 原廠幾錢,好似有一d批次是免費換?
林早洩食屎大 2018-10-6 12:07:52 用返第一步入recovery mode去terminal 打csrutil enable
HRUDUDU 2018-10-6 12:15:53 Thanks 巴打
今晚返去試下 希望唔會整死部機

三條腳趾毛 2018-10-23 08:36:27 有無imac 2017 巴打報告下
DOMA 2018-10-23 17:46:17 開完個程式 條bar會出recent app
好煩 點樣關左佢?
熊豆沙🐻 2018-10-23 18:02:47 iMac 27” 2017 好正


失蹤Jer 2018-10-24 12:41:42
洋大子 2018-10-27 20:10:33 lag機lag到嘔屎 上網個page會停左 開finder又lag (2015 MBP)
靈車甩尾棺材飛 2018-10-27 20:24:24 Safari勁慢的朋友,要剷左abp 就會正常番
OMEGALUL 2018-10-28 12:10:32 有冇人update完之後battery 變咗service battery?