『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(24) 睇咗DOCS & BNO教學網站先好問嘢
東京万事屋 2018-10-7 17:09:19 話時話 係咪得香港既uk大使館冇得搞?


里見孝太郎 2018-10-7 17:10:47 試下跟第一頁個表sort
里見孝太郎 2018-10-7 17:11:31 全世界
az-687 2018-10-7 17:12:31 嘩....多左勁多回覆
leChronique 2018-10-7 17:12:51 偏向牆角行

IKK-train 2018-10-7 17:16:26
我是一個孤獨的人 2018-10-7 17:27:15 我睇左啊 sort到落到底
我是一個孤獨的人 2018-10-7 17:28:53 岩岩畢業 身邊同期畢業啲fd都未拎到專業資格同埋都係HKSAR
里見孝太郎 2018-10-7 17:29:56 有無問過教授?
leChronique 2018-10-7 17:33:02 祝你好運啦噉

我是一個孤獨的人 2018-10-7 17:40:31 熟果啲 全部大陸人


leChronique 2018-10-7 17:40:34 首要係符合國籍
我是一個孤獨的人 2018-10-7 17:41:28 最多咪當浪費左一千蚊申請費 然後拎番本特區護照
我是一個孤獨的人 2018-10-7 17:42:23 其實重點唔係要識兩年咩
leChronique 2018-10-7 17:44:44 你衝動咗交錢

leChronique 2018-10-7 17:46:02

小湊るう子 2018-10-7 17:54:55 開始多人
我是一個孤獨的人 2018-10-7 18:06:34 唔交錢有得down declaration form?

哈力馬龍 2018-10-7 19:00:14 其實只要你有個國籍嘅話,申請護照係你嘅權利
HMPO 要求你俾啲乜,都只係行政上用嚟識別你嘅身份同相嘅真確性,唔係法律上要求一定要有齊依啲資料同文件
你俾唔足佢要求嘅嘢並唔代表佢會即時 bam 你個申請,你可以同佢哋商量下有咩佢哋接受到嘅方法嚟代替,而佢地係有權酌情處理

依度有一份 2014 年發出,有關於副簽要求嘅 FOI request 嘅回覆:https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/counter_signature_policy#incoming-507948
1. Why do you require a countersignature for a lost or stolen passport?
This is part of the process to establish and confirm the identity of the person who no longer has the passport.

2. Why is it not sufficient to confirm identity from the information you already hold from the lost/stolen passport e.g. photographs, rather than insisting on a counter signature.
Despite our records there are always instances where applicants cannot be easily recognised from the previous passport photograph and therefore a countersignature is required.

3. Is there a policy at HM Passport Office that deems people with working class professions as less trustworthy to countersign a passport application? If the answer is no could you explain in detail why there are no working class professions e.g. plumber, builder, road sweeper in your approved list of countersignature professions.
No. It is clear in the policy that the list is not exhaustive.

4. Is there a specific law that states a British citizen will be denied a passport and therefore the right to leave the country if they genuinely do not know anyone from your list of approved countersignature professions? If yes please state the law.
Passports are issued under the Royal Prerogative not Statute and therefore no law exists as you describe.

5. If someone genuinely does not know anyone from your list of approved countersignature professions do you offer an alternative option to verify identity, if not why.
The list is not exhaustive and so HM Passport Office will consider any countersignatory supplied including those who are retired or unemployed. In these circumstances it is considered unlikely that an applicant would not know an acceptable countersignatory.

6. Is it legal to deny a British citizen a passport and therefore the right to leave the country because they don’t know anyone from your approved list of countersignature professions?
See the answer to question 5. As passports are issued under the Royal Prerogative, the Secretary of State for Home Affairs has the delegated authority from the Monarch to decide on the issue of passports. Passports are issued when the Home Secretary is satisfied as to:
i. The identity of an applicant; and
ii. The British nationality of applicants, in accordance with relevant nationality legislation; and
iii. There being no other reasons for refusing a passport (such as national security or being in the public interest etc).
HM Passport Office may make any checks necessary to ensure that the applicant is entitled to a British passport. The countersignatory requirement is part of the identity checks we undertake.

7. Is it HM Passport Office policy to decline an application because the professional person countersigning the application is not currently employed e.g. maternity leave, and does not have access to company headed paper.
No. Please see answers above.

- 副簽係用嚟核實身份嘅其中一個步驟
- 副簽人要求嘅「專業人仕」列表只係舉例
- HMPO 係會考慮任何已退休或無業人仕嘅副簽
雖然依個 FOI request 完全冇提過副簽人嘅國籍 (可見問嘅人冇考慮過依樣嘢,而 HMPO 亦假設咗申請人係喺英國本土),但係照道理一樣唔係硬性規定
當然,我唔清楚 14 年到依家嘅政策變咗幾多
只不過可以肯定 HMPO 係可以彈性處理副簽,如果唔係就唔會有人冇跟要求俾副簽都成功拎到新 passport

有一點好重要嘅就係,如果你搵嘅副簽人唔完全符合指引要求 (職業唔喺「專業人仕」列表入面並唔代表唔符合要求),你係應該喺 application 嘅 additional information 入面 (或者另附簽明信) 寫明完整嘅解釋,而唔係就咁寄過去博佢接受
你一早俾定個清楚嘅解釋,examiner 咪可以容易啲處理囉,唔使另外 email 問你又或者問都唔問直接叫你搵過個

明日香巴打麻煩睇下有冇錯同埋有冇放 doc/site 嘅價值,我自己唔會留底
あの子大好き 2018-10-7 19:10:35 此回覆已被刪除
az-687 2018-10-7 19:15:06 其實叫佢地係post問會唔會好d


leChronique 2018-10-7 19:17:31

卡斐帕西飛 2018-10-7 19:22:39
長期扯琪 2018-10-7 19:23:05 想知個朋友攞英國護照可唔可以幫我副簽
長期扯琪 2018-10-7 19:24:16 有個朋友攞英國護照可唔可以幫手副簽