『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(24) 睇咗DOCS & BNO教學網站先好問嘢
金魚眼大鼻哥 2018-9-24 12:17:01 03 | 確保準備好以下補充資料。
a. 身分證底面彩色影印本
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SR400 2018-9-24 12:24:23 畀多少少資料
問左印尼領事館,以個人身份做visa 係好麻煩,一般建議跟團等旅行社做
問左兩間旅行社,佢哋話無出現BNO 做唔到簽證嘅問題,佢哋一貫做法係BNO 做落地簽證,一直都無問題

Anyway, 去東南亞嘅BNO 持有人自己睇路
中111 2018-9-24 12:37:57 我係幫人副簽果個喎

真田丸 2018-9-24 13:19:29 我都試過
影印果版 圈住佢
az-687 2018-9-24 13:59:36 呢D東南亞地方真係好煩...成日都改改
鳥淒生癌 2018-9-24 14:27:14 生蕃國家都係小去為妙啦
SR400 2018-9-24 15:09:09 我都好少去東南亞,今次第一次遇到依啲情況

里見孝太郎 2018-9-24 17:23:40 剛收到SMS, 請問點set返係長沙灣攞
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-9-24 21:27:19 HONG KONG WATCH STATEMENT:

The banning of the Hong Kong National Party is in breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration

The decision to ban the Hong Kong National party is a clear breach of the rights protected in the handover agreement. Freedom of Expression and Assembly are fundamental rights enshrined in international law and protected by the Sino-British Joint Declaration. This unprecedented move to openly flout the handover arrangement sets an incredibly dangerous precedent and does not help Hong Kong's international image.

The banning of the Hong Kong National Party is another example of the Hong Kong government appropriating vague and anachronistic colonial legislation to curtail basic rights and freedoms. The Hong Kong National Party was banned under the Societies Ordinance, a law which was created to target triad gangs and was only used in political situations when it was clear that groups were seeking to overthrow the government through violent means. The unprecedented step to ban an obscure party which had expressed opposition to the government, but not sought to enact that with violent actions, is an abuse of the law which could have further repercussions if applied to other parties.

The government of Hong Kong should immediately reform the Societies Ordinance and should consider overturning the ban on the Hong Kong National Party so as to meet their commitments under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-9-24 21:28:10 The US Consulate General in Hong Kong has said the banning of a pro-independence party by the Hong Kong government was “inconsistent” with the values of freedom of expression and freedom of association.

Security chief John Lee issued a ban of the Hong Kong National Party (HKNP) citing the Societies Ordinance on the grounds of “national security, public safety, public order, protection of freedom and the rights of others.” The HKNP is the first group to be banned using the law after the 1997 Handover.

In response to the ban, Harvey Sernovitz, spokesperson of the US Consulate General in Hong Kong, told HKFP: “Freedom of expression and freedom of association are core values that we share with Hong Kong, and which must be vigorously protected.”
ぜんぜんだめ 2018-9-24 21:57:02 European Union Statement on the banning of the Hong Kong National Party:

The order by the Security Secretary of the Hong Kong Government to ban the Hong Kong National Party limits the freedom of expression and association, as well as political activity in Hong Kong, and risks having a wider negative impact.

Freedom of expression and association are fundamental rights guaranteed by Hong Kong's Bill of Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and should be protected.

The European Union fully abides by its 'One China' policy and supports the 'one country, two systems' principle.


az-687 2018-9-24 22:30:09 大家中秋節快樂🎑🎑🎑
az-687 2018-9-24 22:31:12 出statement又唔做野
著仔叔叔 2018-9-24 22:31:47 外國JJ 表示外國個月亮特別圓
az-687 2018-9-24 22:37:39
羅莽是個大笨蛋 2018-9-24 23:41:21 此回覆已被刪除
羅莽是個大笨蛋 2018-9-24 23:48:22 此回覆已被刪除
Hello! 2018-9-25 01:05:32 口交部: 中英聯合聲明已經失效,外國政府或組織不要干涉中國內政........

支港政府: 一直貫徹落實基本法,實行一國兩制,港人治港,高度自治。成就獲得國際認同............

扮基抽下水 2018-9-25 01:39:30 此回覆已被刪除
浴缸裡的貓 2018-9-25 01:56:54 你要諗下佢嘅對手係而家歐豬嘅西班牙同葡萄牙
喜氣羊羊 2018-9-25 02:09:37 本台深度調查:中駐外使館對求助者難以提供領保服務



酸民治日鮮 2018-9-25 02:39:41 1.係
2.唔係你本嘢係紅色就唔使,你係被歸類為first passport case嘅話就已經要畀
Button22 2018-9-25 10:38:31 吳京去左邊
あの子大好き 2018-9-25 13:53:34 此回覆已被刪除
羅莽是個大笨蛋 2018-9-25 14:46:41 此回覆已被刪除