請你食香蕉 2018-9-14 11:30:05 對焦最返好d屌打全部


幻之影 2018-9-14 11:53:30 https://www.43rumors.com/ft5-the-new-panasonic-ff-camera-aims-for-the-big-guys-will-compete-against-the-sony-a9-nikon-d850-and-top-canon-cameras/
The new Panasonic Full Frame camera is not just a video focused camera. And most certainly it’s not an entry-level Full Frame. This will be an ultimate High End Full Frame camera that aims to compete against the best cameras of the competition like the Sony A9 and Nikon D850. But it will have two distinctive characteristics:

1) it’s strong in both video (4k) and stills (has High resolution sensor!)
2) It’s cheaper than the competition! -> Unconfirmed…but yet rumored to be around $3,000…

This sounds like a killer camera because it will have three things in one: great video, super speed and high resolution all in one camera!
WUYAN 2018-9-14 12:13:14 睇43 rumors話部機將會係集高影片質素、高像素同埋高速度於一身既機,會係同A9同D850同grade,但售價會便宜過前面個兩部機,大約3千美金
WUYAN 2018-9-14 12:16:54 如果加埋個轉接環用到canon既EF鏡,有埋前後反mon、再加雙插槽,C/N兩部無反可以收工,另外可以屌打sony
麻飯 2018-9-14 12:57:50 出部full frame拍片機就好
WUYAN 2018-9-14 13:25:55 呢部咪就係無crop既full frame拍片加埋拍相既機
唔係呱 2018-9-14 13:35:26 鏡先係重點
請你食香蕉 2018-9-14 14:19:27 假奶
WUYAN 2018-9-14 14:26:55 駁到canon d鏡,仲唔屌打晒😏
請你食香蕉 2018-9-14 14:28:59 對唔到焦就玩撚完
EKIM 2018-9-15 14:46:25 此回覆已被刪除


金剛煲煲飯 2018-9-15 16:36:46 想要pan gm + 15mm
WUYAN 2018-9-20 13:36:28 仲有5日就可以見到松下第一部全片幅無反既真身💪💪
EKIM 2018-9-20 13:50:22 此回覆已被刪除
WUYAN 2018-9-20 20:27:20 如果部野真係掂,依家儲定錢買 ,都差唔多既
shinecll 2018-9-21 08:28:18 新機用Leica SL mount

唔係呱 2018-9-21 09:34:52
幻之影 2018-9-21 10:05:50 唔係呱
WUYAN 2018-9-21 10:15:11 有d睇頭
HKJCKILLER 2018-9-21 11:08:02 部機平左 枝鏡勁貴
新北由紀夫 2018-9-21 12:00:59



黒市影相佬 2018-9-21 13:08:03 死馬會出鏡
童星麵 2018-9-21 13:21:06 想買部P記拍下片 見到 GH5 真係好sharp

EKIM 2018-9-21 13:34:21 此回覆已被刪除
青山走犯 2018-9-21 13:36:30 此回覆已被刪除