六月九日 2018-11-1 11:03:34 如果你經常用5D4個LV


萬佛彼得 2018-11-1 20:02:34 新手買左m50 學野
佳松富 2018-11-2 10:27:43 Canon News has uncovered a patent for a new super wide angle RF mount zoom and it looks extremely impressive.

US Patent Application 20180314060 shows an optical formula for an RF 14-21mm f/1.4L. That’s correct… f/1.4!

Both Canon News and I had to read the patent multiple times to make sure we weren’t reading it incorrectly. If Canon wants to do these “look what we can do lenses”, I have no issue just letting them do their thing.

This patent also mentions optical formulas for an RF 16-35mm f/2.8L and an RF 12-20mm f/2L
飛釘熊 2018-11-2 15:22:12 最後都係買咗
無無謂謂 2018-11-2 16:10:19 真係出既話就堅囉
林夕. 2018-11-2 18:05:39 明智
飛釘熊 2018-11-2 18:29:04 諗落貴一二千買全新嘅, 又有新野玩, 又唔怕上手搞咩嚟
plus仔萬歲 2018-11-2 19:18:56 Mirrorless is future
迎膠接福 2018-11-2 20:10:01 單反真係要收皮
白汁撞奶 2018-11-2 23:42:47 Canon一出手就咁狠
佳松富 2018-11-3 08:54:50 RF Mount 多d發展潛力


NCRarcadia 2018-11-3 10:05:48 1.4 zoom
無無謂謂 2018-11-3 12:18:26 專利既野,出先算啦
NCRarcadia 2018-11-3 15:03:01 咁所有嘢都係出咗先算嘅
迎膠接福 2018-11-4 17:38:04 rf 24-105 f4 比ef 28f2.8 差幾遠

依家等等下又心思思買EOS r.....
林夕. 2018-11-5 00:14:58 比人串幾皮嘢器材影完whatsapp出嚟同電話影完whatsapp出嚟冇乜分別應該點反擊
Vaio 2018-11-5 00:15:10 光圈大d又可以收貴d , 轉次mount 賺到笑
重頭來過 2018-11-5 01:33:13 係事實丫嘛

同埋電話moon 唔可以作準
NCRarcadia 2018-11-5 02:29:28 Zoom 又光圈大而貴有咩問題
Vaio 2018-11-5 03:03:29 r mount 除左kit 支24-105, 35mm macro, 其他連埋黎緊會出嘅支支都貴到喊, 咁都冇問題?!
NCRarcadia 2018-11-5 08:03:46 你俾例子zoom又大光圈而又平價既


無無謂謂 2018-11-5 08:34:59 大光圈zoom 其實正常人唔會用
早兩日馬拉松果陣玩過支2870/2, 重同大到痴那線,正常拎出街用真係自虐
NCRarcadia 2018-11-5 08:42:55 我覺得重還好 可以習慣

佳松富 2018-11-5 08:49:42 差好遠 RF果支sharp到傻 四邊角都係
我唔應該睇評測 搞到依加心思思
迎膠接福 2018-11-5 08:51:05 諗住等5d4 減,諗諗下好似r 仲好用。。。。。
遲下出2470 2.0 都未必升級