building services PT Degree 應該揀邊間
194000 2018-9-8 19:58:16 追Post 啦 派

我有話Uclan 同uwe差?

Thei 係入唔到囉 濕鳩


空雲 2018-9-8 20:01:32 A Bachelor's degree with Honours in building services engineering, mechanical or electrical engineering, or the equivalent;


A professional qualification, e.g. full membership of the HKIE or the CIBSE, plus work experience in any branch of building services engineering, such as design and consulting, contracting, building operation and maintenance, property development and management, or research.
194000 2018-9-8 20:01:56 14.5k 讀完緊係想前$途好小小 多d選擇 同埋進修自己
空雲 2018-9-8 20:02:15 or = 或者
返工就是頭痛 2018-9-8 21:04:40 or..
火星跟水星相戀 2018-9-9 16:51:20 讀bs master係咪for升職
実咲凜音 2018-9-9 18:11:12 Degree唔係ENGLISH讀才要IELTS。
194000 2018-9-22 21:41:19 讀Vtc uClan or uwe有無得loan?
194000 2018-9-26 00:03:17 巴打知唔知有無得借loan ?
仔仔女女 2018-10-22 14:43:39 有冇人知aibe bse degree有冇得拎電工c牌?
Zichrini 2018-10-22 15:32:55 此回覆已被刪除


Easewind 2018-10-22 22:55:03 其實 AIBE 既BEng + Msc 2018 (intake)
一條龍已經可full Accredited By MCIBSE CEng 4年都唔洗

自己上Engineering Council UK Check 清楚, Thei 4年日日去青衣上真係死得人
仔仔女女 2018-10-23 02:55:06 但好似拎唔到c牌
同埋加埋要 24萬
beng 要2年半+埋master 唔使4年?
Easewind 2018-10-23 23:32:47 想問問其實IVE 既 BEng (Hons) Building Services and Sustainable Engineering係UK Engineering Council 邊到有寫香港個Course 係accredited? 我見AIBE 果知個有寫到明的。如果咁計HKU Space 個 BEng (Hons) in Energy and Building Services又 accredited嗎? 我見個Course係UK都accredited。
仔仔女女 2018-10-24 00:17:53 呢個course全部都張上埋master(further learninng) 先可apply CEng
天生我才必冇用 2018-10-24 00:26:25 此回覆已被刪除
蕭勁疼 2018-11-22 20:20:15 岩岩睇aibe 好似 accredit 左ceng
唔問你問邊個 2018-11-25 19:46:04 呢個香港政府唔認可既degree竟然有cibse認可

shape 嗰2個就政府認可cibse唔認

點解我見有人話hku bse master HKIE認可既?
Zichrini 2018-11-25 20:33:55 此回覆已被刪除
蕭勁疼 2018-11-25 21:13:51 Shape 果兩間都好似係cibse accredit
唔問你問邊個 2018-11-26 12:34:52 英國就係,但係香港讀既未有


熊本熊本熊 2018-11-26 13:57:36 想問如果有文科degrees

利: ce maths D
JohnHo 2018-12-8 17:48:52 斬掉重練。讀返個工程HD
JohnHo 2018-12-8 17:52:25 今天去了VTc的詢問日。問Bs&十丁收生。
成績差少少都入waiting list........
天水圍奧米咆哮獸 2018-12-8 19:15:36 THEI?