Pixel首席打手 2018-8-24 09:27:49 咁樣睇hide notch其實唔差



cc732 2018-8-24 09:41:03 因為active edge 好難窄框
譚仔三哥 2018-8-24 10:20:10 hide notch不如細機
Pixel首席打手 2018-8-24 10:23:48 我打機睇片多 hide notch都係大mon好
路爾梵 2018-8-24 11:24:00 個google store credit優惠係有限制, 其中一個係要美國居民(residents of the USA).

上年見到有人話收到store credit, 我就上年11月買, 同google糾纏到2月就放棄咗.

經過一些鳩與窿 2018-8-24 11:27:31 但Google 點知我係唔係US residents? 我Google Store billing 同shipping地址都係用集運果個
路爾梵 2018-8-24 11:39:47 你俾錢嗰張credit card.

經過一些鳩與窿 2018-8-24 11:41:53 咁又係。
Glockenspiel 2018-8-24 11:51:26 google好似唔多理你張卡係咪us resident

卡斐帕西飛 2018-8-24 12:02:36 面對現實啦, EA條片影機背同機正面都CUT開既, 另外d廠早幾個月leak出黎都唔係新鮮事, 明知係樣衰但早少少放出黎比你地睇下, 睇多幾個月就會接受架啦

望下iphone x oneplus 6 都係同樣例子, 出之前個個都話樣衰, 但到正式發佈個日啲人又話其實唔係好樣衰姐
吊係樖樹 2018-8-24 12:08:05 想知update 左pie之後,係唔係就算轉番三粒點 nav bar 個啲Google個彩色四點嘅animation都會冇左


痴肥豬肉佬 2018-8-24 12:12:50 兩種nav bar都有animation
躁動的心 2018-8-24 12:27:11 我都搞左好耐,最後google hotline要我delete左香港個payment profile,剩返一個us payment profile,佢先俾得返個$100 credit我
吊係樖樹 2018-8-24 12:50:00 thanks
Pixel首席打手 2018-8-24 13:29:35 leak係正常
路爾梵 2018-8-24 13:43:25 我1月嗰陣都要做呢個動作, 然後... 就沒然後...
收咗部home mini之後都懶得同佢哋糾纏

俾多啲資料(好似揾邊個helper), 等其他人有個sop唔好嘥.
躁動的心 2018-8-24 14:00:50 都係官網click need help個d,最後佢叫我俾電話佢,佢就會打黎
阿㊣ 2018-8-24 14:26:48
路爾梵 2018-8-24 14:30:10 想問吓係咪近期嘅事??

我年頭同佢都傾咗幾次, 一啲幫助都冇...
路爾梵 2018-8-24 14:32:13 [url]英文, 佢聽到你啲英語唔係咁強, 會講得慢啲同簡單.[/url]
譚仔三哥 2018-8-24 14:50:06 9to5Google編輯: Has to be the leakiest device in Google hardware history.


蠍魔蜘 2018-8-24 15:26:02 According to Mobile-Review, the Russian blog that has delivered an extensive Pixel 3 XL review well before the phone launched, the Pixel 3 will cost $649, while the Pixel 3 XL will be just $100 more expensive. In other words, they’re not going to be more expensive than their predecessors.

Pixel首席打手 2018-8-24 16:01:25 Pixel3 ~5200hkd
Pixel3xl ~6000hkd
阿㊣ 2018-8-24 16:19:03 64gb先係呢個價
Pixel首席打手 2018-8-24 16:20:04 無限google photos 夠啦