gene 2019-10-29 17:53:30 此回覆已被刪除


平成生まれ 2019-10-31 22:17:44 但以佢地嘅性格
数原龍友 2019-10-31 22:20:40 reo應該會推mandy出去擋
日髙竜太 2019-10-31 22:22:22 屌你老母LDH

開枝散葉 2019-11-1 11:11:58 都十一月啦仲未有
日髙竜太 2019-11-1 11:12:43 肯定唔係
日髙竜太 2019-11-1 19:35:06 【CD収録予定内容】
1. A New Chronicle
3. Brand New Story
4. Control Myself
5. また、アシタ
6. 何もかもがせつない
9. Nostalgie / 数原龍友
10. 回転
11. One in a Million -奇跡の夜に-
15. EXPerience Greatness
16. 心声
17. 少年

1. F.L.Y. BOYS F.L.Y. GIRLS (Music Video)
2. 少年 (Music Video)
3. G-ENERGY (Music Video)
4. Brand New Story (Music Video)
5. DREAMERS (Music Video)
6. EXPerience Greatness (Music Video)
7. One in a Million -奇跡の夜に- (Music Video)
8. 「DREAMERS」-白濱亜嵐 Version-
9. 「DREAMERS」-片寄涼太 Version-
10. 「DREAMERS」-数原龍友 Version-
11. 「DREAMERS」-小森隼 Version-
12. 「DREAMERS」-佐野玲於 Version-
13. 「DREAMERS」-関口メンディー Version-
14. 「DREAMERS」-中務裕太 Version-
藤井夏恋 2019-11-3 22:21:46
開枝散葉 2019-11-3 22:57:01
prokofiev 2019-11-3 23:04:06 I saw them live at Saitama Super Arena which was marvellous and unforgettable. They've been strutting their stuff since they were kids so don't sell them short. At the end of the last encore they bowed onstage soaking up the applause. They met with a thunderous ovation. The band and the dancers and acrobats who were invited to perform alongside the band gave a magnificent performance. The choreography, the lighting design, the stage design and the light sticks were superb and fulfilled expectations. Besides being an incredible musician, the lead singer is an avid runner. He took part in a five hundred metre race where he came second. He rose to the occasion, ran for all he was worth and dived over the finish line passing the runner who was ahead of him earlier. Loads of fans congratulated him on having won the race. The race was the opportunity for all the best male runners in Tokyo to strut their stuff. It was truly memorable. Yesterday I assigned five and an half hours for practising their songs on my trumpet, cornet, trombone, euphonium, French horn and tuba. I practised with my friends who played tambourine, triangle, castanets, cymbals, sleigh bells (jingle bells), gongs, snare drum and bass drum, all of which have indefinite pitch. Saxophone, cor anglais and clarinet are transposing instruments. Saxophone, clarinet and bass clarinet are single reed instrument while oboe, cor anglais, bassoon and contrabassoon are double reed instrument. Flute is a reedless instrument. My friend Joe isn't very well-to-do while his girlfriend's family is very well-off. Recently he threw a party where cheap wines were served. The sofas in his flat are made of some cheap material. His television is cheap and nasty. Recently he got some new clothes on the cheap from a shop that's facing possible liquidation. He bought a pair of cheap sneakers that fell apart after a few months so I bought him a pair of good quality ones. He's too mean to buy new shoes. He's very cheap with the air conditioner too- it's only on for an hour each day then he turns on the fans and opens the windows instead but the air conditioner was dirt cheap. He vacationed in Macau last week but he's so cheap he didn't even buy us postcards. He stayed in a three star hotel where it serves cheap and cheerful food and sells cheap and cheerful clothes. He's a flutist. He explained to us regarding a piece by bach "this passage should be played beautifully rather than rhythmically. Otherwise it's a bit cheap." I saw lots of his pencil marks on the score such as: cantabile, silence, no pause here, just separate, clean pedal, more melodic voicing, remain soft, stay soft, quiet, hear tenor, clearer, articulate, in time, silvery soft, gentler, take time....Regarding teaching he said "I prefer payment in blocks. My students pay monthly or for four lessons at a time. For this month it's ok to pay on a lesson-by-lesson basis because maybe you wanna see what it's like to have lessons. From next month onwards pay monthly. Students of all standards are welcome. I'm also an accompanist who accompanies instrumentalists, singers, dancers and other performers for exams, auditions and live performances." He asked me to get him some Haydn scores as I can get them on the cheap from a friend of time. We watched a boxing fight in which Paul hit Joe with a cheap shot after he lost to Joe. We watched a comedy show as well which was full of cheap laughs. The comedian is famous for his vulgar manner and wearing a vulgar suit. His granddad was a cheap gangster and liar. His jokes and jibes were cheap and vulgar.
藤井夏恋 2019-11-5 06:20:08


相馬空海 2019-11-7 03:10:08

平成生まれ 2019-11-7 16:54:39
玄德 2019-11-7 22:48:22 師弟團RAMPAGE真係好正

日髙竜太 2019-11-8 01:56:51 https://youtu.be/_8eCwlYUeQE
藤井夏恋 2019-11-8 08:40:39
塊落滴好耳痛 2019-11-8 11:59:19 +1 +1
藤井夏恋 2019-11-8 14:48:27 喺山頂
藤井夏恋 2019-11-8 19:24:01
塊落滴好耳痛 2019-11-8 21:35:06 我咪一樣 貼頂添呀
塊落滴好耳痛 2019-11-8 21:35:48 無咁過咁睇3個鐘咁耐


平成生まれ 2019-11-8 22:19:57 我都覺 雖然內容好豐富但個rundown感覺唔係好流暢唔知有冇人明
gene 2019-11-9 09:31:59 此回覆已被刪除
塊落滴好耳痛 2019-11-9 13:41:48 係 我個人認為 有一啲位係會悶 同埋可能貼頂既關係 只係感受到前面既人好興奮 自己個邊就好冷靜
藤井夏恋 2019-11-9 20:14:11 我都係... 仲要畀個白色波波擋住